First period class.
The fight for LGBT RIghts and equality.
We need to help support the people who are suffering with a Mental problem. We can help get medication and therapy to those who need it most. We ne...
Immigrants come to the US to escape the malevolent. They are trying to survive and provide a better life for their families and themselves, just li...
We need to let more immigrants into the U.S to help rebuild their lives and give them a greater hope for tomorrow.
The immigrant population deserves to live a quality of life that is equal to ours. Meaning they should have the same opportunities we have in the U...
It's time to change our perspective and create equality for all.
Within our corrupt society today, many girls are pressured into fitting in with the social norms while benefitting others. Young girls are getting ...
With a population of 324 million and rising there arises the problem of having not enough to feed a growing population.
Fix the educational system so the future kids of the nation can learn to strive instead of conform.
In order to protect the well being of women, We deserve equal pay, the right to be heard, and control over our body and decisions.
Everyone should be heard and have a right of protection
Prescription drug prices need to be lowered. Patients all over America don't get their prescription filled simply because they don't have enough mo...
Abortion is immoral and should be illegal.