Mrs. Rilley's Class of Interested Citizens
Every year high school seniors look to go to college the next fall. For some, that cannot happen because of the high prices of college.
Drug abuse like heroin is a big problem. Prescription drug abuse is also a big problem in the U.S. It is a big concern in our world.
Dairy farmers only make up only 2% of our population and many of us go underappreciated. I myself am not a dairy farmer, i only simply help out on ...
The world needs your help now.We are suffering from drug addictions in many people especially heroin.
Gun Control is what many believe can be good, because these people's linear train of thought thinks that "Less guns=less gun violence." However, g...
Will average Americans like me be able to afford a college education?
Refugees have come to our country for hundreds of years...
The college tuition and loan problem is spiraling out of control.
Discrimination against transgenders is an issue which must be stopped in order to continue to prosper together as a nation
What will our next president do about the addiction problems America has today with these dangerous drugs?
Police Brutality is a very controversial topic, but it is a very important topic.