Heroin and Prescription Pill Abuse
How to take a realistic look at the state of our climate and how to address it in a realistic political view.
Our future president needs to focus on our generation, because we will make the biggest difference!!
However divisive and tumultuous past elections have appeared, there is no comparison to the situation that us Americans have endured through these ...
gun control and it's effects on the United States
It's time that we work together to fix an issue that is long overdue. And act like adults while we do it, please.
It's time to clean up Washington and Drain the Swamp.
An American citizen's duty is to vote. But are the citizens educated on what they are voting for? Young adults should not be shielded from politics...
Keeping the internet free, one step at a time.
This letter is about how teen driving is becoming more risky.
Honey bees are a keystone, indicator species. Their decline points to (and will likely accelerate) broader environmental degradation. Scientists po...
Welcome to the White House! There is a lot for you to do, and I am certain that your agenda is set. However, in order to make your outstanding pres...
My letter is mainly about politics like taxes, border protection, and the justice system. It even talks about the election on November 8th 2016.
This letter is about the dangers of Pokemon Go and why it should be ended