Although building up these war torn nations may be difficult or may even seem impossible, creating a more peaceful world, where no nation feels the...
No president should be able to take our guns away, but we need to do everything we can to keep the mentaly ill and gangsters off the streets.
My ideas on the controversial topic of immigration in the U.S.
The Issue of Gender pay inequality has been an issue plaguing the United States of America for too long, with women pulling the short straw since o...
Homelessness is a becoming a major problem in America.
This is about how our world today is not fully aware of how energy is destroying our planet it explains ways we can preserve the earth through the ...
The next President will likely appoint between one and four Justices to the Supreme Court. This will determine the direction of the country for dec...
Animals around the world suffer everyday and go unnoticed, the U.S. Government needs to take action now to protect animals from abuse and cruel acts.
Animal abuse MUST stop NOW!!!!
The issue of gun control and rights has hit an all-time high in America. I try to address different points of view in hopes of addressing the issue.
School start times are too early.
Climate change needs to be addressed in a way that get's everyone's attention from a scientific perspective, not purely politically based.
Abuse from others is not new to African Americans, nor is it new coming from our law enforcement. But, it comes to a point where enough is enough. ...
Think about how many stray animals there are. Don't you think America should have more animal hospitals, etc.?
This letter explains the harsh life of homelessness.
We are slowly destroying our earth with pollution, so why not stand up and make a change to fix it.
The countries health has slowly been decreasing for years, now it's finally the time to lead the world instead of falling behind.
This must be fixed.
With homelessness on the rise in some of our country’s most populated cities, organizations in the U.S. argue that the government needs to step in ...
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
65 million people have been displaced world wide due to violence with 20 million classified as refugees. Instead of turning our backs and closing o...
Collage tuition and how it affects students and graduates.
We, as a country, need to improve and increase our governmental healthcare assistance in order to allow everyone to reach their fullest potential.
Guns keep our streets safe and should not be restricted
we need to save the animals and stop people from killing animals
The North Carolina Bathroom Bill has created epidemic of cruelty against the transgender community and has taken away their basic right of using a...
A large part of our future is how we are brought up and how we are educated. How are we expected to help this nation/ be successful if not everyone...
I hope as future president, you will stand up for our women and create equality for all.
To be armed, or not to be armed; that is the question.
Immigration is a big deal in this country and I hope you have the correct plans to solve this growing issue. The plans I have may help you figure o...
Immigration is a huge problem in the U.S. this is my plan. Control the immigration, do not let people in who seek free entrance in this country, ma...
Gun control is unnecessary.
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
This letter is about how teens have been increasingly abusing drugs, leading to poor decisions. Abusers need help.
Later school start time
My topic is Women's Rights. I will be discussing things like Education and Salary.
Abortion Is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Later School start times should be enforced.
The FDA often allows dangerous ingredients that pose potential health risks to people in food.
Is Anything ACTUALLY Free?
Colin Kaepernick is kneeling during the National Anthem. There is now a huge uproar across the nation.
Here's why you should end this inhumane act of murder.
My letter is addressing the next president my concern over gun and the violence that citizens have created with them towards other human beings.
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
The affordability and and availability of health care in america
Our next president should look at our current educational system, and reconsider the way that we test students on their capability to complete a ta...
Are the standards we currently have really the best for our students?
Equal pay for both men and women.
The United States government has enabled its citizens to take no responsibility for their actions, this has inevitably created the inactive citizen...
We need to open our eyes to the issue that is known as homlesness
We do not need uniforms to express equality.
Stopping the hate on people who don't deserve it!
Reasons that we should not get rid of our guns, and how it can't help us if we do.
My ideology when it comes to the implication of gun control. Change the people don't control their actions, because as soon as a crack in the syste...
Women don't get treated fairly in the United States. Take a stand.
Organs for transplant are scarce, so why is America making them even scarcer?
My name is Candlelynn and myself and many other girls agree that there needs to be a stop to student dress codes. It causes many issues in many sta...
The future of the United States is dependent on the future of its citizens health and the environment. How Americans get our energy will affect the...
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read these letters. I know it must take a while to rea...
The cost of college tuition a main political issue that will impact me the most in the near future. College tuition rates are higher than ever and ...
America has undergone many phases of racial inequity. Many Americans like to believe racism is all in the past. However, it is crucial that we ackn...
Abortion must be banned
Raising the minimum wage to 15$/ hour is not only detrimental to the economy and its consumers, but also just is not fair.
I hope that soon the police will be respected for the hard work and bravery they give for us and this won’t be as big of an issue as it is now. May...
Why texting and driving is so dangerous
We should be able to sleep in
Analyzing the wealth gap of America, and defining what it truly means, and what we can do to reverse its growing trend.
The increase of college cost is causing students to be unmotivated and causing economic problems in the United States.
My name is Nathan Welsh and 15 years old also, I’m from Grand Rapids Michigan. I am not for gun control but against it, although not as much as to ...
My subject is about making more gun laws and stricter background checks.
Many immigration issues have been going on in the United States of America for quite some time. I think it is about time we start finding a solutio...
This is about how the country needs to make stricter gun laws.
Parents and teachers have been at war over whether students should or shouldn’t wear uniforms.
Sexual assault needs to stop
How will our next president combat negative actions against the environment?
Females need there pay equal pay it is there rights and it is not fair to girls.
School uniforms should be outlawed.
Cancer needs to be a priority to cure and stop it from killing our human race.
Gun violence is something that could be easily helped if high capacity magazines were banned.
About 20,000 dogs die each year from dog fighting.
A brief overview of why we must regulate gun ownership, and how we may do this
National Security Dear Future President, 9/11 was the most tragic day in America 2,996 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 were wo...
This letter showcases the reason why animal testing needs to be stopped.
A letter about gun control and background checks
Why Cannabis should be legal
This letter is about animal abuse world wide and how it is a growing problem that needs to come to an end. Animals are just as important as us and ...
A big issue in our country today is whether or not to ban guns or change gun laws.
Rape is everywhere so why would it not be at college.
As of 2015, there was a 13.5 % rate of poverty in America. Most of these people are born into this never ending cycle, or are placed harshly into i...
Guns create lots of violence in The United States but why are guns always looked at as the cause of all this violence. We need to think about what ...
However divisive and tumultuous past elections have appeared, there is no comparison to the situation that us Americans have endured through these ...
Music is a pathway that increases students learning ability and emotional development.
I think that immigration is becoming a problem for the United States. Many people in the United States who come here are not here illegally. The m...
In the U.S, we have millions of Illegal immigrants. Most people want to deport them but I don't think that is right...
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
Why is the death of a baby abortion in some cases, but murder in others?
Gun Control leads to higher murder rates
Gun Control
My letter to the next president is about a topic I very much care about. I feel that gun control needs to called upon and change the laws in how we...