I believe that it is extremely important for the next president to recognize the malpractices and harmful chemicals used in the food industry, as w...
Fish substitution has slowly become more and more a problem.
The United States' food industry is broken. Giant food companies spend major money on ensuring consumers don't know this. We, as consumers, need to...
How much food is being wasted in the United States?
A shocking issue that affects the lives of millions across the country.
The problems about Genetically Modified Food (GMO) and how it should be stopped.
With a population of 324 million and rising there arises the problem of having not enough to feed a growing population.
Even though some people may see this movement as something positive and beneficial, it could just be causing more harm to the environment than it a...
The harmful effects of Farm Factories on animals and humans.
The unnecessary chemicals added in our food is harming us. They must be eliminated to improve the health of our country.
"I'm so lonely. I have nobody." -Mr. Nugget
This piece is about saving the billfish all around the world.
This country needs to change the standards of "healthy".
A persuasive argument about GMOs using 18th Century Rhetoric.
This letter is about ending food insecurity.
We shouldn't have chemicals in our food (GMOs, GE crops, MSG).