Students of color are unevenly distributed throughout education
Standardized testing is not effective in the United States, it is also blocking us from using creativity and innovating.
I recently was scrolling through a video which explained how so many things have changed in a hundred years, but the school system hasn't changed m...
This letter is requesting better organization and project management on construction projects, for the safety and sake of all people.
Students are receiving too much homework from teachers.
This letter is directed to whomever the next president shall be, and states that when in office they should help eliminate and or not make standard...
Homework is not benefiting students as much as it should. In fact, it could be harming them.
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
An immigration reform should be developed.
Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.
The school system of the US is stressful.
Schools should be more flexible with students having more breaks.
Costs in Colleges should be lowered because it is leaving students drowning in loan and getting families in more and more debt every year.
Students and the amount of homework they are getting and how it is effcting there lifes outside of school, and there metal health
I think iPads shouldn't be given to student in the school.
About how polygamy should be stopped, how polygamy works and how it affects people.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
The cost of college restricts many, but solving it proves to be a tricky situation
I'm not writing a letter for the future president of the United States, I'm writing a letter to get a grade for my writing class and to contribute ...