Zach M. Minnesota

Bullying in Schools

Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.

Dear Next President,

Imagine you are getting bullied everyday and you’re skipping school because of bullying. We need to have more supervision and not let kids be alone for long. There are millions of kids being bullied and we need to raise awareness.

I feel as we should have kids being supervised more. The more time the kids have to themselves, the more they can get bullied. When the bullies have more time, there can be more bullies that bully someone but if their is more supervision they know not to do it unless they want to get in trouble. They should also have trained supervisors to see when bullying is happening so they can stop it. If this was to happen, less kids would be bullied and kids would never have to experience bullying.

Bullying is one of the largest problems in school. Some kids are too scared to go to school because they are scared to get bullied. Since it is a large problem, there are more kids getting bullied every year. In his article “Bullying: What Schools, Parents and Students can do,” Franklin Schargel of The Huffington Post said, “Bullying remains one of the largest problems in schools, with the percentage of students reportedly bullied at least once per week steadily increasing since 1999” in 2014. This proves that bullying is one of the biggest problems in school because it has been looked at by big companies.

I feel that the most common form of violence for young people is bullying, we need to make it less common. There are millions of kids getting bullied every day in school. In his article “Bullying: What Schools,Parents and Students can do,” Franklin Schargel of The Huffington Post said, “Over 13 million American kids will be bullied this year, making it the most common form of violence experienced by young people in the nation” in 2014. I feel that if we stop bulling it won’t be common with young people.

Next president, There are millions of kids getting bullied and we need to raise awareness. I want you to make schools have more supervisors in schools so kids can’t get bullied without getting in trouble. Stop bullying so it won’t be the most common violence for young people.



10th grade

Mendota Heights, Minnesota 

Henry Sibley High School


American Literature

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