This letter outlines the complexity of the death penalty in the U.S and why it may not be as simple as it seems it should be.
This letter is about racism and how it effects people.Read this story to find out more about racism.
Reasons why Capital Punishment is wrong.
I think the problem is that only few states have it.
My letter is about the Death Penalty, and I believe that it needs to be reformed.
How the next president should elimnate the killer clowns.
Is the death penalty really an effective way to serve justice in our society?
Capital Punishment should be legal in all fifty states for serial killers and crimes without explanation
It's time that we work together to fix an issue that is long overdue. And act like adults while we do it, please.
Racism is becoming a problem in today's world. Racism itself persists in our schools,offices,court systems,police departments, and else where. Per...
Abortion is murder.
In our society, the harshest form of punishment is the death penalty, given as a capital punishment. But, it is immoral, expensive, and discriminat...
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
Death Penalty
This is about Racial profiling and what it causes and why it needs to be stopped.
The us has been "getting rid of" criminals since 1864. But now the death penalty is used to "get rid of people" who are thought to be criminals.
The death penalty is a flawed system and should not be used in the United States.
The death penalty should not be carried out when punishing people in the court of law. Capital punishment goes against the Eighth amendment, and be...
In the U.S. right now, criminals are on death row, awaiting execution. I'm here to explain on why the death penalty is wrong and unconstitutional, ...