Daniel Michigan

Death Penatly

I think the problem is that only few states have it.

Dear Next President,

I think the problem is that only few states have the death penalty and let criminals off easy. Only 18 states have it, and I think all states should have it. I think you should do all you can to get all the states to have the death penalty.

Some people say we shouldn’t have it because their human and they have their right. But here’s how their wrong: because that person lost their rights as soon as they did the crime.

I believe my claim because of all the crime and less crime would make this country a better place for kids. I think safety is very important these days so because if the death penalty was in more states criminals would think twice.

So please next president add the death penalty to more states so kids and parents don’t have to worry.


7th Grade

Evart Middle School
