Taylor Michigan

Racism today in America

Racism is becoming a problem in today's world. Racism itself persists in our schools,offices,court systems,police departments, and else where. Perhaps a black person and a white person each committed the same crime, the black person has a better chance of being arrested. It's also true that once arrested, black people are convicted more often than white people. When black people are convicted they are more likely to be sent to jail and their sentence tends to be longer than those for whites who were convicted of similar crimes. African Americans face discrimination in healthcare too. The majority of doctors have "unconscious racial biases" when it comes to their black patients. Black Americans in large cities are far more likely than whites to seek emergency medical care at urban hospitals. The hospitals they go to tend to be less well funded, and staffed by practitioners with less experience. Unfortunately racism still continues today even with the civil rights laws that were made to stop it. The laws have had some what made an impact because in 2004 we elected our first black president. Mr. Obama could be the first step in getting rid of racism.