Our schools need healthier lunches for the future of our country.
Federal funding for education should take in account more on fine arts financing as well as the common core subjects.
Integrating students in a classroom should not be allowed in any state nor school; it slows down the accelerated learners. Students should be place...
Food waste is a serious issue....The extra produce costs school districts $5.4 million a day, but nearly $3.8 million of that is tossed in the tras...
Almost every day, you hear a child has gone missing on the news. An average of 700 children are abducted each day in the U.S.
In the past few years, involvement has gone down with fine arts in our education system. I address the benefits to fine arts and why we, as a coun...
We need more options for vegetarian and vegans.
Should school be delayed.
Schools should start later in the morning to empower students to be more successful.
Anxiety in school is putting students at risk!
Cyber Bullying is a situation that happens all over the world and it must be stopped.