As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
Racial Discrimination has impacted America.
Dear Future President, Hopefully you will be an honest, caring leader because this is what we need in America. We also need a confident leader t...
The letter is about how the future president should focus on terrorism and its effects on people.
Too many standardized tests are being put on students, and it stresses out not only that student but their teacher and quite possibly their school....
The welfare system is broken and needs to be fixed.
The next president of the United States needs to address our nation's flawed mental health system to help the mentally disabled get back on their f...
Terrorism, a problem around the world.
Standardized testing does not accurately measure a student's potential and capabilities.
The environment needs more attending
This letter brings attention to Human Trafficking and how bad it really is and how much it needs to be stopped.
The qualities, traits, and actions that our next president must demonstrate and possess, and how they can be a great leader in today's society.
Issues the next president should be concerned about.