Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
The federal minimum wage needs to be raised in order for US citizens to prosper and have a more fulfilling life.
The obesity problem is getting out of control. What can we do as a nation to change it?
The gender wage gap and the rich poor gap are making our economy unequal and the minimum wage should be raised.
Abortion should not be legal
17% percent of the homeless population used to be in the military. This is a really big problem and we might not have very many people in the milit...
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
This is a letter to the future president of The United States of America and I would like to request for the minimum wage to be increased.
Minimum wage
People with tattoos and piercings should have equal opportunity to get jobs and not be overlooked based on appearance.
Dear President, I am Alex, a eighth grade student from the Cleveland area. Minimum wage has a significant effect on everybody. Several people...
the inequality of males being paid higher than females and why this needs to change.
We need to raise minimum wage, so it can help low income families.
Currently, the United States spends almost $4 trillion each year. Since 2000, our Nation's debt has rapidly increased. Welfare and other health cov...
the minimum wage should be raised