Its time to step up for ourselves.
Women should possess basic rights such as the right to choose and the right to equal pay. Giving rights to women is giving protection to women, som...
It's time to stand up and treat each other equally.
We need to close the Wage Gap!
Discrimination still exists today, and that needs to change now.
Abortion is a decision that should be allowed for all women.
Dear Future President, although the United States is thought to be a great nation for women, gender inequality still remains here in the U.S. Star...
For years, women have fought for their rights, but even today unequal pay still exists. For every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 80 cents. Gende...
The gap should be closed.
Helping to end rape and campus rape around the United States
Abortion is legal and should stay legal
Women today still make 80 cents or less for every dollar a man makes.
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
Although women’s equality has improved a lot over the years, it is still is a big issue, not just in the United states but globally. Women are gett...
The "80 cents to every white man's dollar" excludes women and men of other races.
Nearly everything that happens in the world will boil down to equality, which is a necessity as basic as oxygen.
Discrimination towards females in workplaces
The wage gap is an unfair epidemic and it needs to be closed.
This letter is about equal pay for both sexes. Throughout the country, women experience lesser pay than men do. I wanted to write this letter askin...
My viewpoint on equal pay for all American women and men.
Feminism is important in the world today because women are still not treated with equality. There is a wage gap preventing women from earning as mu...
The gender wage gap is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Women lose a significant amount of money as years go by with the 23 cent deficit the...
Equal rights for women will unite and help advance the United States, as well as set examples for other countries who face similar challenges.
This is what I'd like my next president to do!
The word "feminism" has for generations possessed a negative connotation, commonly considered a term coined for radical, man-haters, who opt to "bu...
Sexism is an ongoing problem that tends to appear as not such a huge issue, even though it is. We should work to change how women are perceived and...
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
It has been fifty three years since The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was enacted, and seven years since President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter ...
The current federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. Thousands of workers work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty. It is almost impo...
This letter challenges the future president to break down gender barriers, and to help women in their journey for equality.
Why abortion should be a personal decision.
Violence against women, the wage gap, and the lack of abortion rights are issues that need to be solved to bring the US closer to gender equality.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
The wage gap is the large difference of salaries between males and females in the US. This gap has existed for decades and is still very prominent ...