2nd Hour
This is my letter
Students require more sleep.
Music is a pathway that increases students learning ability and emotional development.
Argument on global warming and if it is real or not.
There are too many situations where police act before they should and they need to be able to make the right judgements.
Letter to the next president about racial Inequality
How will the next president use the energy options that new technologies have provided to influence the energy of the future?
Food coloring and it's negative effects on the human body.
my letter is about why prescription drug abuse should be controlled more.
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
US cities need to be more handicap accessible.
The FDA has been pushing for acts that would help them do what is needed prevent foodborne illness for years, now when they finally have that act t...
Benefits of Renewable energy sources
While each attempt at creating the perfect human may be valiant and honorable, it comes at a price.
I want stronger gun restrictions and laws than the ones we have now.
climate change has a negative impact on the environment
Dear Future President, My name is Roman, I am a senior at Clarkston High School and there is an issue that people really don’t take seriously on ...