Allie M. Minnesota

Gun Control

Gun control should be banned in America

Dear Mr. President,

Gun control is a major controversy in America. Many people have different stances on the issue. Some want control of firearms, some want them eliminated, and some think they are useless. I believe guns are useful and should not be banned because they help reduce murder rates, self defense, and are the second amendment.

A major misconception for gun control is that since there are more guns in possession of citizens, naturally there are more murders. However, if a gun is not in use by law it is required to be unloaded and inoperable. SInce that law was passed, murder rates have barely gone up which caused the law to be taken away in 2008. This goes to shows that guns don't make violence, it comes from people who misuse the guns. Lawmakers have already tried to create strict gun laws however, they realized that they do not decrease murders.

Gun are used as self defense. Many people do not use a gun in self defense situation and therefore face the consequences that the people who misuse firearms. Many lives can be saved in self defense situations. If we were to have guns taken away, the rate of death would increase more than we think. It would be difficult to survive in a situation where you’re threatened with a firearm and you are gunless. However, criminals don’t follow gun laws. If guns were taken away, criminals would have a huge advantage over the general population.

The second amendment states that we have the right to bear arms. This means getting rid of guns would be unconstitutional. The purpose of having guns is to be able to use them and if we can’t use them then what’s the point. A simple solution to this problem will be to keep them unloaded and locked away.

We must not have gun control in America because guns are useful and should not be banned because they help reduce murder rates, self defense, and are the second amendment.


Allie Meyer