We should stop animal cruelty.
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
Animal cruelty is the wrong path to go, we need to teach the people that are on that path to choose the right path. Animal cruelty is a major probl...
Animal abuse isn't as big as other issues, but is is just as horrible. Although it's illegal, it's still happening, and it needs to come to and end...
Despite all of my current issues with what's going on in the country, I feel as if I have to speak on animal rights as loudly as anything else.
This is a letter about the horrible things that go on in puppy mills, and what we can do to stop it.
Animals across the nation are being abused and it needs to be addressed.
There is a lot of animal abuse and neglect and a frightening correlation between animal and human violence. I suggest that people who abuse animal...
This needs to be stopped... now!
Animal abuse is a major problem in the Untied States
Animals deserve to be respected such as humans.
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
Animal abuse should be illegal.
We need to shut down puppy mills, fine dog fighting, and prevent animal hoarding. The next president needs to do more to prevent this abuse. No cr...
Animal Cruelty is a huge problem in the United States and it must discontinue. Animals such as dogs and cats are being neglected and abused in pu...
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the world and the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
I am writing about how owners badly abuse their pets and that we should do something about it.
Imagine one of your pets being abused or neglected for profit or entertainment
The overview of animal cruelty
Save our furry friends
Humans are animals and that's forgotten way to often. Everyday animals are killed, tortured, neglected, and even worse, what are you gonna do about...
Dear Trump, please read this, I think that animal cruelty is extremely important and I hope you do your best to stop it.