NBA Players Against Police Brutality
My best friend was hit by a drunk driver driving home to see his family from college. The driver had 3 drunk driving offences already and this woul...
Athletes in the United States have decided to kneel during the national anthem and I think that this needs to change.
My letter is about sports players getting paid more than the military.
Concussions are bad for your head because they damage your brain and people need to continue to figure out a way to help reduce concussions.
The issue of patriotism, respect and the Colin Kaepernick National Anthem scandal.
Sports should be free to play all around the world because their keep people active and healthy. Sports are very important.
Performance enhancing drugs are the lowest low an athlete can go. Do you want to be the person who keeps letting it happen and say "let the cheater...
We need to be careful on who is able to own guns.
Kaepernick is kneeling during the national anthem and people are getting upset . Kaepernick believes the flag is not fair.
Concussions are causing brain damage to kids at an early age, and can cause serious mental issues and even death at a later age.
In this letter, it explains why it's bad to kneel or put your fist up during the national anthem.