I'am aware that immigration is a problem in America.
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
My purpose for the letter is to give you an idea of what building the wall could cause and how our country could respond
These are a series of proposed solutions to the much debated topic of immigration.
Our efforts to push out illegal immigrants have been unsuccessful. We need to take action.
Will building the wall and mass deporting immigrants benefit or destroy the country? Will it save us money or put the country in even more debt?
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
Immigrants make a good portion of the US population and some of them are illegal. The illegal immigrants deserve a chance to be legal citizens. The...
It seems that immigration has a huge impact in america today.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
Dear Next President, Hate Immigration and this is a w...
Did you know that more than 2.5 million people have been deported between 2009 and 2015? And many of those people just come to the United States fo...