Better ways to handle the problem of immigration.
Howdy there Mr. Trump. Now that you are president I am writing this letter to address a certain issue. The issue that I have some concern for is Ob...
More Jobs need to be created for the unemployed.
Why I think minimum wage should not be raised
Bring justice to Washington
Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again", and that is what we need.
What a president should be and what qualities and characteristics they should have to be the right leader for America
An issue I care about is immigration. I know you want to build this wall along the Mexico border. However, building this wall will possibly make us...
My letter is about whether immigration is good or bad. Immigration could be a good thing for our counrty. SInce our country was made from immigrant...
Illegal immigrants are costing the U.S. money and our jobs.
We need to focus more on the real issues that come with immigration
Recidivism is when a person relapses into criminal behavior. When someone "relapses" it means they are returning to jail. By having felons go throu...
I’m a 17-year-old high school senior that is looking at colleges and potential job careers. Looking down the road, I cannot stress how important jo...