Regarding health and human rights, GMO should be labeled.
Sharing our ideas with Youth Voices: and Letters to the Next President 2.0
How pollution affects our planet and the animals existence and habitat.
A proposal to put a tax on a carbon based fossil fuels that will drive up costs for polluters and encourage growth in green energy fields
People want more gun control, but it isn't gonna work the way they think it will.
Creativity in the classroom.
The cost of college is a topic that is very important to me and I think that if the cost of college is lowered a burden will be lifted off so many ...
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
Schools are arranged for the convenience of adults not for the nourishment of student's minds.
It's time to put a stop to the harmful effects fatigue has on our nations youth.
It is 2016 we should no longer be supporting and promoting rape culture.
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An opinion on how the U.S. should respond to the issue of climate change.
Collage tuition and how it affects students and graduates.
This letter outlines the current crisis our nation is facing with student loan debt and how colleges are responsible for the gouging of the America...
This letter is attesting to the fact that love is the only thing that can cancel hate. With that being said, I want to know what kind of president ...
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
Abortion is an overlooked problem that keeps getting worse and worse but no one is acknowledging it. It needs to be assessed, addressed, and outlaw...
This letter is about how there is too much animal abuse.
Vaccines should be mandated by the government as the majority of vaccinations create a safer community.
In this paper I talk about how Full Auto firearms need to be banned for non military use in America.
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This letter explains the need to eliminate GMOs and added hormones from our food.
Genetically modified organisms are a danger to our health and agrarian economy. The U.S needs to follow in the steps of other countries who have ba...
GMO food labels should be mandatory because American consumers have a right to know what they are putting into their bodies.
A new kind of food has been introduced to the world: GMOs. Should America follow the numerous countries who have already placed strict bans and re...
Millions of people are being harmed because of world hunger.
I believe that everybody should have a choice about what they want to eat, based on what is in there food.
This is my opinion about how I feel and how millions of others feel towards the use of GMO products. I believe we should be taking this issue into ...
The United States' food industry is broken. Giant food companies spend major money on ensuring consumers don't know this. We, as consumers, need to...
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. They are highly toxic and detrimental to the human health. This letter analyzes how GMOs are not beneficia...
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