Leilani T. California


Genetically modified organisms are a danger to our health and agrarian economy. The U.S needs to follow in the steps of other countries who have banned cultivation and even importation of genetically modified crops.

Dear Future President:

Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Ecuador, Scotland and several other countries have banned or prohibited the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Countries such as Russia. Madagascar, and Venezuela have even banned importation of GMOs! Why has The United States been reluctant to follow in these countries’ and other nations’ footsteps?

The main reasons GMOs are banned are because of health-related issues and the destruction of farms that cultivate GMO crops. A huge health risk that GMOs can cause is allergies. Since there are no tests that guarantee a GMO will not cause allergies, it poses a huge health risk to the public. According to responsibletechnology.org, ever since the introduction of GM soy, soy allergies in the UK have increased by 50%! The proteins in GM are being gene-spliced and these new proteins can trigger allergic reactions. Tests on small animals such as rats have provided alarming data that show many defects of consuming GM crops. This includes liver problems, reproductive problems, and infant mortality.

There are no studies that show how GMOs directly affect humans. Many believe this is because the company Monsanto, which relies on GM crops being successful, have spent millions of dollars preventing further research on risks or defects. There are also people who believe GMOs will help end world hunger because it helps produce more crops which then lowers the selling price. This is extremely false in many cases because, by law, GMOs are able to be patented and this allows Monsanto to control GM seeds and where they are distributed to. Controlling seeds means they control the success of farms and farmers. Many farmers sign agreements to Monsanto because they believe these seeds will produce more at a lower cost but the GM crops fail to prevent weeds and pests and eventually lead farms into debt. Monsanto is the only one benefitting from this interaction.

Overall the use of GMOs in the U.S is a problem because it negatively affects the environment, health of the people, and our agrarian economy.


Leilani Turla

The Preuss School UCSD

Block 2

AP English Lit & Comp

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