Renee C Colorado

Cost of Diabetes

The cost of diabetic care keeps rising, we need to work towards the decline of the cost of diabetic care.

Dear Future President,

First off, I would like to congratulate you on winning the presidential election. I would just like to bring to your attention the cost of diabetes care in our nation. It is a serious problem for many Americans. We need to lower the cost of medical supplies and care. According to the American Diabetes Association, 86 million people in America have diabetes. The United States Census Bureau tells us that there are about 324 million people living in America, that means that about 27% of America’s population has diabetes. This means that this issue is one that has a big impact on our nation, and that needs to be addressed immediately.

People with diabetes have to pay both for medical supplies as well as mandatory doctor visits. I myself have Type 1 Diabetes and I need medical supplies such as an insulin pump, the sets for the pump, insulin, a blood sugar meter, test strips, a lancet, and more. On top of that, I am required to see a doctor or nurse who specializes in Type 1 Diabetes at least twice a year. I used to go to the doctor four times a year, but it became too expensive for us to visit that often. Those who have Type 2 Diabetes have to pay for meters, test strips, lancets, pills, other medication and more. Research done by the American Diabetes Association shows that the average person with diabetes pays about $13,700 per year for diabetes care alone. Depending on the type of pump and insulin your body needs if you're a Type 1 Diabetic, “Theperfectd” website says the cost can be up to $23,400 per year when you don't have insurance. The cost only rises as more time passes. The cost of medical supplies increases as well as the bill for either hospitalization or doctor visits.

This presents a real problem, especially for those who do not have insurance. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) has a program called The Helping Hand Foundation which helps those who can’t afford diabetes receive medical supplies like medicine. While this has made a huge impact in our community, it is still not enough. I ask you as the future president to keep those of us with diabetes in mind as you change the current health care options and programs. There are so many people who need help to afford the proper care they really need. You can help make a difference. You would be able to start something that would eventually lead to the decline of the cost of diabetes. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


A Type 1 Diabetic


"How Much Do Diabetes Supplies/Medications Cost in The U.S.? - Theperfectd™️." Theperfectd. 01 Dec. 2014. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

"Our Mission | Helping Hand Foundation." Helping Hand Foundation. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

"Statistics About Diabetes." American Diabetes Association. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

"The Cost of Diabetes." American Diabetes Association. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

"U.S. and World Population Clock Tell Us What You Think." Population Clock. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

@DiabetesHealth. "The Cost of Diabetes | Diabetes Health." Diabetes Health. 09 Oct. 2010. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

RN, By David Spero BSN. "Paying for Diabetes - Diabetes Self-Management." Diabetes SelfManagement. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

Mead High School

Mead High School Maverick Writers

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