There is no reason that Bullying and College Cost has risen in the past couple years.
In this letter, I talk about what should be done with gun control including regulations and what should need to occur to get certain weapons and id...
An immigration reform should be developed.
College is too expensive. If we want our future generations to be college graduates, then we need to change that.
The cost of College is so high, that almost half of students have to dropout due to high college costs.
Government has to stop taking property
In the United States today, threats of terrorism have grown too great and drastic measures must be put in place to stop it.
Costs of College
I believe that the government is spending too much money in things that we don't need that much of it.
Health in school lunch is faulty, despite the efforts of Michelle Obama.
Recidivism is when a person relapses into criminal behavior. When someone "relapses" it means they are returning to jail. By having felons go throu...
Americans deserve the right to have post-secondary education free of cost.
Our country should improve education on this topic.
College needs to be cheaper for people to attend to. I believe that the next president can do something about this.
Homelessness in teens across the U.S
I feel like our country needs to be more aware and more educated in the field of mental illnesses.
How the president can help reduce teen homelessness because it is a big and overlooked problem our country faces.
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
The cost of college restricts many, but solving it proves to be a tricky situation
The effects on what heroin and prescription drugs does to teens and what we can do about it.
Poverty has been going around all around the world. The United Kingdom is trying to improve their ways to put a stop to poverty.
College is a big step for students however how are we supposed to afford it when the debts they leave us take a lifetime to repay?
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
Everyone should have an opportunity for higher education if they choose.
College tuition continues to rise, and less students can afford to pay these rising fees.