No More Guns for Hands
My issue is gun violence in the U.S.
Overall, animal testing is something that the future president will face, and he/she must do something about it. Animals are harmed and killed ever...
Bullying has bigger effects than you think it does. It damages our society's health and employment system, and is the cause of many different probl...
This letter is about A Gorilla that was killed when a kid umped into his enclosure and the Gorilla was killed. Animals Rights need to improve and t...
Make Teenager's Lives Great Again
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Terrorism destroys families, lives, and countries, and we need to stop it.
Teens and drugs are not a good mix . Teens have bad ideas when they take drugs . Also how kids every day can be getting drugs and die from it .
How many more reported teenage deaths will there have to be before we recognize this major issue?
We need to stop an ongoing problem in our society; abortion.
We need to review the death penalty.