High school English IB course
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
Current classes in school do not fully prepare students for life after high school.
As terrorism attacks are happening more frequently, people begin to become scared of possibly being in one.
Each year millions of animals die in labs due to the conditions and gruesome tests that we as humans believe are necessary to be conducted on them....
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in today's society. The side of pro-choice argues for its allowance in the situation of rape, wher...
Balance must be found in order to resolve immigration problems.
One of the most important topics discussed today in America is the concern with illegal immigration and how beneficial/negative it is to society.
This video addresses my thoughts on gun control. Thank you for your time.
Health insurance is a method of payment for healthcare, and does not equal care.
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
Feminism is important in the world today because women are still not treated with equality. There is a wage gap preventing women from earning as mu...
Liberty is vital to the American promise and should be protected. I find liberty to invlude social mobility, security, and free will. We must educa...
Women should have access to resources like safe abortions, and testing for STDs, along with other tools.
This is a letter addressing sexual assault, what the American Criminal Justice System does about the misconducts, and the way that it affects peopl...
How will you, as the POTUS, effectively bring an end to terror both at home and abroad?
The government needs to distribute more grants/scholarships for college education.
Healthcare should be a right, not a luxury.
Terrorism is nearly impossible to terminate, but with America’s influence and strength we can greatly decrease its effects on the world.
Women should have the right to receive an abortion because it is their body and they know what is best for themselves and their baby. But many othe...
Why is the topic of illegal immigration so touchy? Why are people afraid to voice their opinions about this relevant topic?
UC acceptance rates have declined steadily for Californians and federal regulations are needed.
This letter entails my opinion on the way immigration should be handled. It voices my concerns about deportation and the devastating effect it has ...
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
College education is at an unreasonable cost for most citizens.
I believe that the next president should focus attention on health care and what plan they have to lower the cost so everyone in the US can afford ...
We are expected to get a job after college to set us up for the rest of our lives, but how can we go to college if we as Americans, cannot afford i...
Now's the time to look around and see what we can do for people who are searching for a hopeful future and trying to create a life that we take for...
Millions of animals are tested on each year in the United States and are brutally mistreated and killed. How can you, as president, help our countr...
Equal rights for women will unite and help advance the United States, as well as set examples for other countries who face similar challenges.