Immigration is a major issue in 2016.
Middle school students in a rural town from Pennsylvania share their thoughts about what matters most to them in the 2016 US Election.
Mental health needs to be spoken about in this country.
This video letter is about college tuition, an issue about which I care.
Men and women should be paid equally.
Women and men should be treated equally and paid equally too.
One of the most important issues in the United States today is income inequality between men and woman.
Protecting our country from gun violence is a top priority.
It is not right for the government to make a decision for a woman who has the absolute right to choose for herself.
Let's help Mother Earth!
Many endangered species have been and are being hunted by humans into extinction.
All letters from this group →
I think kids need more iPads and Laptops in school.
My letter to the next president is about college tuition and it's about how we can help the government to fund colleges.
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
Ms.Dickerson Class of 2018
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
I think that Immigration is the best thing and beneficial for this country.
In this letter to the next president, I will discuss the importance on Teen Drug Abuse.
Suicide is something that isn't looked at in the US as a big problem. It cannot go unnoticed. We as a community need to step up and fix this problem.
Global warming is a huge issue in today's world. It's every American citizen's job to go out and help us fight against this common enemy!
All letters from Pennsylvania →
Everyone deserves a chance.
Dear Future President,
The issue of Immigration is important because they are looking for better life
It's about illegal people and why its a problem
This is a letter to the future president. Student Dawit Girma hopes the problems from immigration will be fixed and hopes that the letter is inform...
While Donald Trump want to stop illegal immigration, he doesn't realize how embedded it is into our economy and culture. Take a stand and make a ch...
We need stronger security in our borders.
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
Immigration is a big deal in this country and I hope you have the correct plans to solve this growing issue. The plans I have may help you figure o...
All letters about these issues →