Why we must get rid of Standardized Testing
Persuasive Letter to the next President to eliminate the Standardized Tests.
Dear Mr./Madam President,
“Can you imagine how stressful it can be to have just one test to determine your road to your success (education)? Imagine failing that one test that can determine whether they make in to the next obstacle of your education? Imagine how it would feel to repeat everything because of that one test?” One of the most important issues that many students are facing today is the “State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness” or “Standardized Testing”. Mr/Madam President you need to eliminate the Standardized Testing. Many of the students are pressured by the time limit because it stresses them out and makes them want to rush which results in the students not do their best. Most of the pressure and fear is knowing that failing the one test may hold them back from graduating.
Many students who take the Standardized test are mainly stressed by the amount of time they receive. Unlike TAKS , the Standardized test is a timed tests with a strict 4-hour limitation which increases the level of stress for each individual student, some more than others.The time limits makes the student want to rush resulting in students rushing and making them not do there best .But most students have more than one Standardized test based on their grade level.
Many people think that Standardized Testing is a good obstacle to go through and testing is very healthy, but they are wrong. “Testing day is unhealthy” said by a veteran Mary Bowen. She says that just thinking about the Standardized Test gives her a feeling kind of like there is a pit in her stomach. She also says how “this is the United States and the students rights should not go away when they walk into the school building.” Many people agree with her, for example the last president Mr. Obama, he also wants to limit Standardized testing. He states that he feels that the test is not needed and how the Standardized testing is too much weight on the kids shoulders.
Majority of the students are stressed about failing the test because they can get held back causing them to graduate late, holding back their whole education ahead of them. It is not fair for student to get held back one year just because they failed one test. The maximum average for a student to fail the Standardized Test is 48% and because of that some of them get held back. Also the Standardized Test counts for 15% of the students grades causing them not to pass the grade level that they are currently in.
So is the Standardized Test really important? Is this really necessary for students to go through this test every single year? Well put yourself in the student's shoes,can you imagine all of that stress on your shoulders and would you like it? Well the answers are no. Here is the biggest question for you is, are you going to do something about the Standardize Test? Let me answer that for you with a big fat YES! These are your future votes at least you can do is eliminate the Standardize Test. So are you going to get on that?
Works Cited
@KXAN_News. "Thousands of Parents “opt Out” of STAAR Testing for Their Kids." KXANcom. 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
@TexasMonthly. "Why Are So Many Texas Students Struggling With STAAR?" Texas Monthly. 17 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
"Save Texas Schools." Save Texas Schools. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
Work, By Ann. "Falling STAAR: Is Test Harmful to Kids?" Falling STAAR: Is Test Harmful to Kids? Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
Says, Rene Jackson, K. Says, Dana Says, Coach K. Says, Texas AFT Says, G. Says, Nicole Says, Michelle Ditmore Says, Melissa Says, Michelle Says, Pat Skinner Says, Michelle Says, Sally Johnston Says, Kellye Says, Peter Says, Elsie Says, Carolyn Says, Mona Says, George Olsen Says, Homeschool Parent Says, Lynn Chapman Says, Julie Says, Tina Day Says, Richard Says, Teresa Duncan Says, Monet Lasater Says, Gary Crouse Says, Joe Sharp Says, Sandy Says, Robbie Lewis Says, Cristina Says, Stephanie Says, Teresa Thompson Says, Bethelline Schaefer Says, LT Says, Pam Cooper Says, Lauren Says, Ginger Says, John Filgo Says, Timothy Fish Says, Megan Douglass Says, Eugenia Says, Kathy Says, Bryan L. Says, Disappointed Says, A. Student Says, Cheryl Says, Tammy Says, Fayma Drummond Says, and Angie Wilson Says. "STAAR Is Not the Measure of Good Teaching, and You're Worth More..." Texas AFT. 16 Apr. 2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.