Lyndsey J. Texas

Why We Must Repeal Standardized Testing

Persuasive Letter to the next President to repeal standardized testing

Dear Mr./Madam President,

“Imagine how stressful it might be to spend between 20-25 hours taking standardized tests? Imagine young people having to spend hours studying and taking these tests when the tests don’t even include all the knowledge you know or have been taught.” The most important issue facing the nation today is the tests we call STAAR, standardized testing, or high stakes. Mr./Madam President you must repeal standardized tests. These tests are causing kids to be very stressed out. The tests these kids are taking do not even include all the knowledge a student knows. The test is not accurate indicator as of what one may know.

Kids are spending too much time studying and worrying about these tests. These tests make students very stressed out and cause students lives to be much harder. “When I get stressed my hands start getting sweaty,” said Joe Zamora, a seventh-grader at Kealing. “The questions I don’t know I skip and then come back to later.

Everyone does well on the STAAR test, it is super accurate and doesn’t count for anything. Well actually according to research the test is not as accurate as one may think. The standardized test is not accurate to as of what students might’ve learned. The students do not know what they are studying for causing them to become very stress and sleep deprived for staying up too late. The STAAR test only counts for to see what you know.

These tests that students are spending way too much time studying don’t even include all of the knowledge a student knows. This test is not an accurate indicator of what one my know. For example each year you are required to take the reading and math test, and other grades you are required to take more than that. These tests don’t show everything that you know therefore making it less challenging to remember somethings and not others.

I think that you must put an end to standardized testing. It makes kids much more stressful and can even make you sleep deprived by staying up too late. The tests aren’t an accurate indicator and must be put to an end. I would like to congratulate you as being the new President. I hope you have a wonderful presidency.


Lyndsey J.

Works Cited

@KXAN_News. "State of Texas: In Depth – Standardized Testing." KXANcom. 28 July 2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"Obama: Limit Class Time Spent on Standardized Tests." CBSNews. CBS Interactive. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"Testing Time at Schools: Is There a Better Way?" CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Https:// "Education Department Helps States Cut Standardized Testing." NBC News. Web. 04 Nov. 2016. 

Cedar Valley Middle School

Ms. Collins' students

These are the wonderful ideas of my 8th grade students and their advice to the next President of the United States.

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