Abbie B. Michigan

Wolves in Our Environment

The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.

Dear Future President,

Ever since I was younger, I’ve always been fascinated by wolves. Wolves are very strong animals. I admire their sense of freedom, courage, and family. Did you know that thousands of these beautiful creatures are being killed each year? For over 30 years, wolves were considered endangered. When it comes to the topic of wolves, most of us would agree that there aren’t many of them left, compared to years ago when they roamed freely, before they were hunted. Where this argument usually ends, however, is on the question of whether or not it is alright to hunt them. Some are convinced that wolves are pests. They are aggressive, kill livestock, and are looked upon as rabid killers. From a farmer's perspective, wolves are destructive. They kill what they want and it can cost money to fix what the damage they have caused. Others maintain that it is wrong to hunt wolves, as these animals have been off and on the endangered species list for years. As of right now, the conservation status of wolves is at a least concern, meaning the population is stable. Although the population is still very low. Wolves should not be hunted for any reason because they are an ongoing endangered species that should be protected.

To begin, wolves are being killed in mass amounts, and it is affecting the population negatively. Wolves have been continuously killed over many years for sport, pelts, and to protect livestock. Many people see this as an everyday thing, but it is in fact harming the wolf population drastically. In an article that speaks about protecting wolves it states the importance of not hunting them, “Wolves were rescued from the brink of extinction in the 1970s. But in 2011 the government began stripping their protection under the Endangered Species Act, which transferred "management" to the states. As of April 2016, over 4,200 wolves had been slaughtered in just six states. Now the entire species is teetering on the brink of losing federal protection across the nation” ( Wolves have been on the brink of extinction for many years. It has taken a very long time for the population to grow in size yet again. If wolves continue to be hunted, they will become extinct over time. This emphasizes how important it is to not hunt wolves, let alone hunt any endangered species.

Furthermore, many people have misconceptions about wolves as a species. Throughout numerous lifetimes people have looked at the wolf as a vicious and rabid killer, that is seen as a horrible monster in most children's books. The greatest threat to wolves as a whole is prejudice and misunderstanding about the species. An article written about the threats that these animals face implies that misconceptions are an issue when referring to wolves, “the greatest threat to wolves is prejudice, fear and misunderstanding about the species. Many fairy tales and myths tend to misrepresent wolves as villainous, dangerous creatures. Anti-wolf extremists perpetuate these myths, and it is a slow process to undo decades of misinformation” ( One huge reason why wolves are feared in today’s society, is because of the information that is portrayed throughout the media and many mythical stories. It gives people a false reality of what type of animal wolves really are. This enumerates the significance of learning a different perspective on how any animal is portrayed. In reality, wolves are beautiful creatures that need to be protected because they are an important asset to the environment.

Finally, wolves are a vital part of our ecosystem. Wolves have been apart of the environment for ages before they were hunted almost to extinction. Wolves keep the process of predator and prey at balance. An article written about the importance of wolves, informs that they help the environment, “wolves play a very important role in the ecosystems in which they live. Since 1995, when wolves were reintroduced to the American West, research has shown that in many places they have helped revitalize and restore ecosystems. They improve habitat and increase populations of countless species from birds of prey to pronghorn, and even trout. The presence of wolves influences the population and behavior of their prey, changing the browsing and foraging patterns of prey animals and how they move about the land. This, in turn, ripples throughout plant and animal communities, often altering the landscape itself. For this reason wolves are described as a “keystone species,” whose presence is vital to maintaining the health, structure and balance of ecosystems” ( Wolves are crucial to the ecosystem simply because they keep the natural balances of an environment under control. Without wolves the population and well being of other species would change to a great extent. This implies the significant impact that wolves have on our environment as a whole. Less wolves in the wild means more harm will be set for the balance of nature.

In conclusion, wolves need to have more protection. These beautiful animals have been apart of our world for ages, yet there are not many left. They are not pests, nor are they savage killers. Wolves are crucial in this world. As the next president, I hope you realize how important these creatures are. You have the power to help a species grow that was hunted to an extreme by mankind. Growing up, it was hard knowing that my favorite animal was struggling to live on. We as a nation have the capability to change our ways for good. You have the capability to let this issue be known, in order to save this species, and many others that are in need of help.


Abbie B

Referenced Sources

Clarkston Community Schools

Hausauer 3rd Hour

Third Hour Honors ELA 10

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