The United States government needs to understand how immigration policy affects more than just the individual.
How the meat industry is negatively effecting the world.
Police misconduct/brutality has become a problem in 2016 and must be stopped.
Did you know that 68% of the LGBTQ+ youth have experienced their elected (or to be elected) leaders saying negative things about the LGBTQ+ communi...
Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a human pregnancy and results the death of the fetus according to
Why guns should be allowed...
A topic that has been taken the world by storm. It needs to be fixed ASAP. Innocent people are getting hurt.
Dear Mr. President. I am here to talk about “Gun control” "Some people think that it should stay the same I think that it should also stay the ...
Everyone needs to know both sides of every story.
Meat is linked to many negative effects including disease, obesity and, of course, animal cruelty.
The students of America are our future. The absurd college cost, and the debt left in its wake, just lessens the chances of American children havin...
I am against animal testing and this is why.
Dear Future President, I am always out on the water and on the beach. Mostly every time I am, I see garbage. “An estimated 14 billion pounds of ...
All countries have to work together to gain success in the future; working together is better.
Gun control has not been effective for several years and this letter talks about the deaths in america and also compared to different countries. An...
Police Brutality
The U.S. is being plunged into a debt that we may not come out of. We need to pay off these debts.
A letter about racism and social issues.
My letter to the president I'm pointing out how important Affirmative Action is in today's world.
3.2 million students skip school because of bullying each year.
Gun laws are altogether not strict enough.
Examining why there needs to be an increase on infrastructure.
Dear future President, The economy is need of great help, in the state of Florida especially. As a resident of Florida and a voting citizen of the...
American health care way to expensive
I am Carson D. and I am a student at Northview High school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am writing about this topic because this, in my opinion is ...
In this paper I will inform you on how big of a deal illegal immigration is and what you need to do to change it.
What are "YOU" going to do about proper care for our veterans?
Examining the lack of funding and medical coverage available to those who suffer from mental illness.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
College tuition has a become a major problem world-wide. This text is to explain some of those problems and ask what is going to be done to help it.
Marijuana should be legal.
What should be done about the inequality seen in both genders.
The stereotypes people have against immigrants.
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
I feel that college now should not cost so much to get an education.
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
Kids with disabilities are not getting the education they need and deserve due to the fact that schools don't have the funding to support them.
Video gamers are often singled out as antisocial, nerdy, and awkward. The segregation between gamers and everyone else in the world is really unfai...
Discrimination is problem most people will at one point in their life. People often think that racism and discrimination are the same, in reality r...
Woman are often lead to believe that feminism promotes and builds women to be strong characters, and at one time it did. Presently, however, in the...
We need to change the system of how we conserve our energy and reuse things so living would be much easier with fresh oxygen and no stress about th...
Immigration is an important problem to me because I don't like the way that immigrants are getting discriminated do to the reason that they come in...
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
The solution for gun violence is here, with our new background checks when purchasing a firearm.
My letter is about gay parenting and how it should be more accepted through the eyes of people. Nobody should be looked down upon by what gender th...
Our education system is flawed please do something to fix it.
Schools all across the U.S.A give students way too much homework and pressure them to succeed. Eventually students just do homework to get it over ...
Raise awareness and try to end global warming.
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
Which if we don't take the climate change into account and some of the speculations of global warming our planet could slow down and or possibly sh...
As a President, there needs to be more education about all of what goes on with a gun, instead of having an ignorant viewpoint on guns. An educati...
We must do something to prevent the number of homeless that is increasing.
I believe that the LGBT+ community needs to be protected by not just people inside but people who support them.
Illegal Immigration is wrong and should not be allowed.
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
So many jobs go unfilled because Americans are not qualified for them. At a time when there is a seismic shift in our economy, people need ways to...
How music education has improved the lives of all.
College affordability is a top concern for Cyncere Perston, who is working as hard as possible to earn scholarships for college and hopes the next ...
Transgender rights
Immigration a super big problem in the US.
Gay marriage is not a right
I'll be talking about how we should kick illegal immigrants out of the U.S.
Pistols, machine guns and other automatic weapons should be banned. All it does is cause problems.
Letter describes the reform process for immigrants in the United States.
Dear Future President,
Animal Cruelty/Animal Testing is an issue that I believe people don't really give much attention to.
This is about how minimum wage needs to be brought up
It's our time to shine
New methods to reduce drunk driving are needed.
What Abortion means to me and how it can affect women,that do this.
Police need to have more training and supplies so they can protect us and themselves better.
My letter is about racial inequality, how and why the black lives matter movement started.
A letter dedicated to the lives we have lost in US waters and the concern in the lack of safety.
Gun control is an important topic in America. There are too many mass shootings and police casualties. We need to improve the gun control law.
We need to keep our power plants running until we have an alternative source.
A unique medial standpoint that needs to be brought up any time that someone talks about the rights of US gun owners.
As of 2014, 45 million people out of 318.9 million people are living in poverty in the United States.
Lots of kids and families can't afford to buy food. This is a small step to maybe help kids and families be able to have a better life and be able ...
We need to stop all the killing and try to stop people from carrying guns and stop all the crimes that involve guns.
The police are good people. It doesn’t make sense that a person would die for someone they hate. They give their life for us, for our freedom. They...
Legalizing marijuana will do far more than allow recreational drug use… it could saves lives, or at least make the short remainder of them signific...
This letter is about the legal and economical reason why we should legalize marijuana.
Abortion should be legal
Drug abuse is getting worse and worse.
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Understanding of small town values and how big changes aimed at big cities effects small towns.
A letter persuading the next president to further regulate abortion and its causes
My opinion of how taxes should work within our country
Hate crimes are wrong and just stupid in nature. Trying to control other people to be who you want them to be, act how you want them to act, or lo...
My letter is on the death penalty, and what should be done about it.
Dear Next President, Hate Immigration and this is a w...
Student loans are sky-rocketing these days, to the point where it's getting nearly impossible to go to college. What do we do?
I provide problems with job availability and some how immigration is effecting it.
A letter for Donald J. Trump. If you're not Trump, do not read this letter. (unless you just wanted to know.)
My letter is about allowing the Syrian refugees into the United States.
I am a 16-year-old boy from Saint Martinville, LA, and I am a firm believer that creating laws banning guns in America is not only a violation of c...
The minimum wage in America should be raised because of how much income affects a child's life. The current minimum wage is not enough for a family...
LGBT+ children are forced to go through conversion therapy but why? What does it do to the child? Is it Constitutionally correct?