The harmful effects of Farm Factories on animals and humans.
Article stating current problems in 2016-17 about the many dangers of the internet.
I am writing to the President to discuss the issue of cancer.
Syrian refugees face incredulous terror, and some discrimination from radical Islamic groups. Free life is an unknown subject in this nation which ...
Why minimum wage should be repealed
Our National Parks need improvements in order to secure their success in the future.
This about the different problems students face regularly in school.
We need to stop testing on animals!
We need to prevent these terrible injuries from happening.
Animal testing is a cruel and has to be stopped.
A letter that takes steps to understand the truth behind gun control, and why our nation must understand our freedoms.
My letter is based around my disbelief in the continued practice of Common Core Standards in education for the American youth. My piece addresses t...
An argument on the pros of extending research and application of GMOs in our world today.
This is my thought on terrorism and what should be done to overcome it.
Minimum Wage is a serious problem and should be addressed not just in the US, but worldwide. Future president I hope that you take my call to acti...
Equal pay for both men and women.
Politics and the government have become so grey, and it's an accomplishment to have a transparent elected official. It shouldn't be that way. We ne...
The quality of our food may not come to mind often, but it's something that we should be concerned about. Foodborne illnesses like E. Coli and List...
Gun Regulation is ineffective because criminals will access weapons even if it's illegal, people own the right to arm themselves, and guns are not ...
School start times are too early.
Abortion must be banned
The FDA often allows dangerous ingredients that pose potential health risks to people in food.
This letter is about poverty, the effects it presents, and why we need to stop this problem.
In this article, I out line how the 2nd amendment may be the one issue on gun control in America. It discusses how many uses of the second are unju...
Honey bees are a keystone, indicator species. Their decline points to (and will likely accelerate) broader environmental degradation. Scientists po...
Firearm Threats on Campus
Welcome to the White House! There is a lot for you to do, and I am certain that your agenda is set. However, in order to make your outstanding pres...
College needs to be be cheaper in the USA because it will benefit us in the long run.
The causes of air pollution, effects of air pollution, and how it can be reduced.
Guns create lots of violence in The United States but why are guns always looked at as the cause of all this violence. We need to think about what ...
It's time to start supporting the brave people who risk their lives for our country.
The electoral college has many problems such as inequality between states and corruption, which this letter focuses on and offers solutions for.
Wasting food is causing problems and we need to educate people on its effects and causes.
Because of all the social pressures in society the suicide rate is increasing rapidly, we need to act before it's too late.
A large part of our future is how we are brought up and how we are educated. How are we expected to help this nation/ be successful if not everyone...
Marijuana should be legalized in all U.S. states because it would help the economy, it would let police focus on bigger crimes, it would lower the ...
The Education System is failing and needs to be fixed.
A letter about the problems of the mentally ill being homeless in the United States.
Bullying in and out of schools
though many americans are wanting of tax cuts they are not as good as you would think
Why college tuition should be more affordable.
Now I will not get all radical on you, the reader, and tell you that everything I say is right. This is a simple representation of what I believe in.
Global warming is an ever-present issue in our country today that needs to be addressed before it's too late.
Many people today are not able to attend college because they are not able to afford it. With education being such an important thing in our societ...
The FBI is allowed to access our phones at anytime!? Facebook is selling our personal information!?
America cannot continue with the outdated system of education, as it will destroy opportunities for our youth generation.
It is an essay detailing why the tuition of public colleges should be lowered.
This paper outlines the important need for year round schooling.
Animal Cruelty
This letter will talk about how the freedom of speech of college students is being oppressed by the staff of said colleges and how you (the preside...
This letter explains the horrifying issue of puppy mills, and why our future president needs to step in and handle this issue.
This letter is about the problem income inequality and what the next president needs to do about it.
Teachers are essential building blocks to creating a better society. Without them, America would be nowhere as advanced as it is today. So then why...
Obesity has become a major issue throughout the United States. I believe there are a few things that can be done to address these concerns for Amer...
This is a letter on how the foster care system that our nation has setup has been broken for years.
A letter about gun control and background checks
The line 5 oil line going through the great lakes is hazardous and dangerous.
This letter talks about the ways the unregulated use of big data is harming American citizens.
Talks about how we need to bulk up the borders, deport illegal immigrants who are felons and to continue legal immigration.
This letter is about the problems that students in our country face, specifically issues related to stress caused by an overwhelming number of assi...
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
The law I see that is unjust is abortion and there is more meaning than the debate over choice and life.
College cost needs to go down now otherwise how can we future adults make a good living?
Eradication of poverty must occur in order for the United States to become a more independent nation.
This letter is about alternative energy and why we should use it.
The letter explains how our country has changed in recent years and how change should be made for the good of all people.
How Teen Suicide Can Be Reduced
One of the greatest problems that divides our nation today needs to be addressed first and foremost when our new president comes to office.
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) need to be stricter on some laws about who can and can’t fly a drone by having a drone lesson to learn th...
The United States is moving back in time due to the arising issues of racism and sexism
My topic is on sexism in jobs, and wages and their oppritunites since history has spiraled.
This letter will show the hard facts about how many healthy animals are put down at animal shelters due to pet overpopulation, overcrowding and lac...
The potential destruction of the environment needs to be discussed in the coming election and is something our future president should try to resol...
This letter addresses the serious issue that is, teachers being paid insanely less than professional athletes.
Sexism has affected the women of our nation for too long. The next person who becomes president needs to address and take steps to change this.
This is a paper that explains why there should be a public skate park that everyone can skate at.
Benefits of Renewable energy sources
Free healthcare in America is a need and should be a given right to citizens.
Our economy is in trillions of unsalvagable debt. How will you overcome this without ruining our nation?
Reform for black rights matter.
Schools are constantly bombarding students with an unnecessary amount of homework, which is causing an increase in stress, lack of sleep, and socia...
We lose so many innocent people to food-borne diseases each year. Many more are hospitalized and sick due to this issue. If we can pay more attenti...
Spread the message and stop the stigma
Our environment has suffered with increased industrialization. As we deny changes we hurt both our well being and the health of our future.
Many of animals are suffering from being tested on for our needs. A stop needs to come to the abuse given to animals.
Sleep deprivation in high school students(teenagers)
This letter is about why we should not raise the minimum wage in the United States.
immigration: The U.S government should make sure American citizens are taken care of before spending money and taking care of non U.S citizens.
This letter discusses the dangers and potential solutions for the increasing amount of gun violence in the United States.
Analyzing the wealth gap of America, and defining what it truly means, and what we can do to reverse its growing trend.
How to take a realistic look at the state of our climate and how to address it in a realistic political view.
The price of college tuition compared to the average income is insane to see and needs to be changed.
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. They are highly toxic and detrimental to the human health. This letter analyzes how GMOs are not beneficia...
People are getting addicted, overdosing and dying from this prescribed drug and the warnings that are in place from the FDA. BUt also why people ar...
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.
Air pollution is slowly becoming a bigger problem and we need to take action before it is to late.
In April 2016 TIME magazine calculated that every man, woman, and child in the United States would have to pay $42,998.12 to pay off the national d...
I believe that one of the most important issues in our nation today that needs to be addressed is the distribution of wealth and the quality of our...
Over the past 10 years college tuition has risen a ton and is starting to become unaffordable.
DIPG is a pediatric brain tumor found in young children. When diagnosed the child is given on average fifteen months to live. Prognosis and treatme...
Gun violence is an important issue that impacts people all around the world.
Why we should be allowed to learn religion in school.
Obesity in the U.S.
How will the next president use the energy options that new technologies have provided to influence the energy of the future?
Students mental and physical well-being is negatively effected by the unhealthy lifestyles they lead while trying to meet the high expectations of ...
There should be a change in pay scale across the US in order to help families make their way out of poverty.
People that are part of the LGBT+ community are discriminated against for being themselves, but they should be given the same rights as everyone el...
This letter is on the issue of bullying in the United States and what I feel we can do to stop this.
The education system is hurting today´s students instead of helping them.
US cities need to be more handicap accessible.
Illegal Immigrants are freely coming into the U.S and causing economic and social problems for the government.
The American Education system is outdated and must be reformed to raise up future thinkers of our nation.
The United States of America should be a nation that provides everyone the same educational opportunities. America is known as the land of opportun...
By keeping borders open, we are not only providing opportunities for immigrants but also providing opportunities for the citizens of the United Sta...
Problems facing public schools in the United States Today
During the singing of "the star spangled banner" some NFL players choose to kneel, thus disrespecting our country and what we stand for.
The U.S. needs nationwide laws on comprehensive sex education because everyone deserves to make educated decisions on their health and safety.
A letter to the next president on the changes of the environment, and the harsh consequences that we face, with solutions laid out and a brief glim...
Music is a pathway that increases students learning ability and emotional development.
People are supposed to be against gun control, but they're actually not.
A new perspective of understanding the violence towards police.
Laws should be changed so LGBT soldiers are not discriminated against.
An argument supporting the benefit of arts programs. Why the programs are being cut, why they should be saved, and the impact of the programs on th...
Women are always blamed for the horrific conditions they have been through and often fear to tell others their situation. In my letter, I explain w...
This letter addresses the faults of prohibiting abortion and how it would negatively affect our nation; regarding safety concerns, women's autonomy...
America is filled with broken and damaged people, ranging from the mentally ill who are locked away in prisons, to the homeless, to soldiers with P...
Research shows that many students are suffering from the suffocating feelings of anxiety and failure due to the constant stress school inflicts on ...
Mindful teaching reduces student's stress and increases their performance
Obesity in America
About U.S role in the world
An actual letter to the next President, wherein the citizens (rather, a citizen) of the United States challenge the governance to hold themselves t...
my letter is about why prescription drug abuse should be controlled more.
Elephants are headed toward extinction, this letter shows why we need need to inform ivory buyers of why buying ivory is so bad, set stricter poach...
The earth is dying and we need to do something to change that.
Zach M. Dear Mr.Trump Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but neither are all people in a jail cell right now. Some are murderers and rapists, an...
Legalizing marijuana will do far more than allow recreational drug use… it could saves lives, or at least make the short remainder of them signific...
A letter addressing the atrocities that occurred because of a careless mistake in Flint, Michigan.
Why taxing women for their necessary hygiene products as a "luxury" is counterproductive, unprogressive, and frankly unfair.
Global Warming
Equal rights; women aren't equal to men and the media making it look like celebrities are higher than us but really we are equal.
America has undergone many phases of racial inequity. Many Americans like to believe racism is all in the past. However, it is crucial that we ackn...
The criminal Justice system is injust and needs to be fixed for the better of the country.
My goal is to stop global warming and help preserve amazing places like our National Parks in the United States.
Children in our society are being cyberbullied everyday and most of the time they end up committing suicide because they are bullied so bad.
There are too many situations where police act before they should and they need to be able to make the right judgements.
Terrorism is becoming one of the biggest problems in the world today, if not the biggest problem.
All kid should have a chance at attending school.
This is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down
Recently many Americans have been deterred from space R&D. Many say it is too expensive, dangerous, or improbable, however, there are many missed o...
I believe that homework should be limited because it is useless, and a study hall should be implemented to aid students, like my peers and I, with ...
Our world is changing and we need to accept it.
Taxes On the Middle class; What they can cause, and how to prevent it.
As a student, I see many people struggle in school due to lack of sleep. I think its important we help understand the Sid effects of sleep deprivat...
The MLS should not come to Detroit.
This letter is about animal abuse world wide and how it is a growing problem that needs to come to an end. Animals are just as important as us and ...
what needs to be done for the Flint water crisis
Education in America is facing many problems today, one solution to some of these problems is having later school start times
Gun Control
Often on the news, you see stories of miniorities being mistreated. We need to address this issue now.
Dear Mr./Mrs. President....
The future of the United States is dependent on the future of its citizens health and the environment. How Americans get our energy will affect the...
This is a letter about the lives of over Scheduled students and how it affects their lives.
The amount of gun related deaths in the United States is undeniable. There has been about 30,000 gun related deaths per year.
Sex Education has a large problem across the US and the world. It isn't effective enough and kids are not learning all of the information needed, a...
Assisted Suicide
Schools should have a study hall for students to get more homework done. It is clear that many students simply do not have time in their schedules ...
By expanding restrictions, gun control can be utilized to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk citizens, yet still accessible to the law-abi...
Later school start time
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
This letter is written to inform you about the reason children are still in foster care in the United States.
Standardized testing is demolishing the individualism of our students in public education. It's time for a new "standard".
Bus safety is a growing problem. From lack of seat belts to unqualified drivers, this issue needs attention in order to stop the growing number of ...
This essay represents the struggle that teens are faced with today, and gives evidence on how people are consumed with the idea of popularity.
When it comes to school budget cuts, the arts are first to be eliminated when they hold more value than the athletic programs that continue to rece...
Gun control is not necessary, and will not be effective in the U.S.A.
My letter contains information about my opinion concerning physical and mental abuse to women and children.
The numbers and affects for drug abuse on teens, and even the adult generation today, seems like they aren't going to stop. Just keep getting worse...
Animals around the world are being taken for granted every day, being mistreated. I want to help save these helpless creatures as much as I can.
This is a letter about reforming public school education.
A summary of a few of many of underlying faults in the American public education system
Students are simply given too much homework each night, and it is effecting their physical and mental health. Cutting down on homework would greatl...
Horse slaughter is a growing issue in our nation.
In this letter I will share why college tuition costs should be reduced.
This is a letter to the next president about gun control.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
Celebrities are paid millions of dollars each year while military men and women are sacrificing their lives getting paid very little compared to th...
Fixing the American Educational System
This letter, is a way for me to share my wish for better journalism for the American people.
Students are on overload with homework and need a way to more fully understand the content they are learning. I think the flipped classroom i the p...
I wrote about what the next president should and shouldn't do to help our economy.
The government should be more accepting of birth control, increase programs like planned parenthood,and increase education about sexual ...
Immigration is not a good thing for America, and I have a way to fix our immigration issues
It is the rights of the American people to own a gun. S why are we making it so complicated?
This is coming from a 12th grade student, who is upset with both sides of politics seeing the LGBT community, and other minorities as just a number...
Why we should have the right to bare arms in the US legally
I believe that it is extremely important for the next president to recognize the malpractices and harmful chemicals used in the food industry, as w...
Students nationwide are being given anywhere between 2-3 hours of homework per night. When is enough, enough?
A persuasive argument about GMOs using 18th Century Rhetoric.
Future President, nearly 5% of Americans aren't properly protected from harassment and discrimination in schools and the workplace. These people ar...
There are a lot of different issues with our school districts that need to be changed for the greater health of our students.
My letter is one that argues that the United States should withdraw a fraction of the funds from third world countries and focus more of it into ca...
Addressing the scary reality of terrorism in our country
This letter addresses the need for a change in education, namely the implementation of unregulated play.
Popularity amongst teens is resulting in poor behavior choices and not focusing on "the big picture" in life
This letter will simply give suggestions about how our society can become a safer environment.
Reducing College Tuition Prices
Women's rights in the Armed Forces haven't changed in a long while. Their rights need to change for the better.
National Security Dear Future President, 9/11 was the most tragic day in America 2,996 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 were wo...
This is why standardized test should be edited for better results
Life is demanding. We all need a little help sometimes, and that's what welfare is made for. Welfare, then, is a good thing, right? Some would disa...
Our public education system is too focused on objective-based learning and it is causing the People of the United States to become more ignorant an...
While each attempt at creating the perfect human may be valiant and honorable, it comes at a price.
There are multiple reasons why schools should have longer lunches. In this letter I explain just a few ways why schools need longer lunches.
Why college should not be free.
This essay is about all the negative impacts on students of all grades who are given too much homework during the school year.
Illegal Immigration is a serious issue in the United States and needs to be handled by the next president in order to make American interests come ...
This is about how our world today is not fully aware of how energy is destroying our planet it explains ways we can preserve the earth through the ...
Why college tuition should be lowered.
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
My letter is about gun control
The eradication of sexism needs to be enforced in our country because sexism creates disadvantages towards women in the workplace, it allows the de...
Hunter Boisvert
Every day, more young adults try prescription pain killers for the first time. The future this could lead to is tragic, but the way our country han...
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
How and why we need to protect our wildlife in the U.S
Police are being targeted by groups of people and their families are left to suffer.
Rebecca P shares her own personal as well as crying to others about the severe issue of orphans and how to fix it.
My letter is about the problems revolving around inflation in medical supplies
The government is robbing you of your privacy
As of 2015, there was a 13.5 % rate of poverty in America. Most of these people are born into this never ending cycle, or are placed harshly into i...
Gun related deaths and incidents are getting out of hand and need to be stopped, and the main ideas against gun control are heavily flawed.
GMOs are dangerous for both people and the environment and should be banned in the United States.
Solve the dangers the american people are facing, bring profit to the country and keep innocent people out of jail by legalizing marijuana and pros...
Standardized Testing
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
High Schools throughout America Start very early and it's affecting today's teenagers in a negative way.
Standardized tests have always been a way to compare students, they are an unfair way to judge the abilities of an individual and are not worth the...
climate change has a negative impact on the environment
My letter is about the violence in today's society due to racial inequalities.
Women and at risk students deserve equal opportunity.
A letter persuading the next president to further regulate abortion and its causes
Reducing chemicals into the air/ways to help with the problem.
Cosmetic Animal Testing is a cruel and unnecessary practice that needs to be put to an end.
Letter to the President about equal rights on how women and men should be treated the same.
Dear Future President, My name is Roman, I am a senior at Clarkston High School and there is an issue that people really don’t take seriously on ...
This massive issue of the heaping national debt cannot be overlooked because the consequences will continue to develop into a major downfall. The N...
College tuition is depriving students of the real education that they need. The price to go to college is increasing each year and we need to do so...
Big time fast food can afford to pay $15 an hour
Heat Exhaustion is a killer among teens especially in sports related activities inside a gymnasium. We need to invest in all schools to have an air...
Recent police killings of African-Americans have sparked many protests around the country, as well as some attacks on officers.
However divisive and tumultuous past elections have appeared, there is no comparison to the situation that us Americans have endured through these ...
How we can end the child hunger epidemic in America.
A letter explaining some of the views on marijuana legalization and the writer's opinion after research
Illegal immigration is hurting the american economy. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans which puts them in poverty.
This letter outlines the injustice served to reporting rape victims, the misconceptions surrounding rape, and the reasons rape culture is still bei...
Why late start schooling is needed around the nation
The American Dream is often promoted by the government as something every American should strive to achieve, yet the stereotypical image that it is...
The next president needs to address mental illnesses and share with the country that this is not a topic to ignore.
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Teachers are underappreciated, and underpaid. Many teachers have complained and even left the profession.
The following letter will consist of road safety by banning or strictly enforcing cell phone usage while on the road.
More government involvement in the physical conditions of public schools in America
Super Bowl Monday should be a national day off
Heroin use in America is an ever-growing epidemic. Kids and teens in America are especially prone to falling victim to the horrific consequences us...
My personal views on what the president should do to address women's rights, as well as the awareness of them.
Gun control is an extremely prominent issue in today's society. In my essay I'm stating the facts and reasons on why gun control is bad.
Climate Change is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
I want to change the way new college students think, by making it mandatory for kids to graduate high school with a credit completed in a life skil...
We should be able to sleep in
A letter that addresses the fight against technology, the war against Generation Z, and the statistics to support a revolution.
Abortion is an overlooked problem that keeps getting worse and worse but no one is acknowledging it. It needs to be assessed, addressed, and outlaw...
Did I name this right? I think I did. Oh well if I got it wrong don't hate. My letter is about basically the relationship we have with other nati...
Refugees are coming into America, but is how we're bringing them in safe?
This letter is about the presidential candidates opinions about gun control laws. Included is my opinion on the matter.
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
My ideology when it comes to the implication of gun control. Change the people don't control their actions, because as soon as a crack in the syste...
The reasons why so man American's are loosing their jobs, and not being able to find another one.
Police brutality is a very important issue in America that needs to be addressed. Many people are wrongly accused of crimes, attacked, or targeted ...
This letter is about child poverty and what the next president should do about this problem.
A compelling argument so school food is to be changed for the health of the children of America.
Guns keep our streets safe and should not be restricted
Many Americans have a narrow view on racism. With this letter I would like to widen their views and show them both sides of the issue.
Why college tuition prices are so high and how they can be reduced.
Many students are struggling to pay for college due to the increasing costs over the years. There are many easy methods we can use to help students...
My stance on America's current wage gap issue between men and women in the working world.
Students in high school and middle school should be provided at least a 30 minute recess break throughout the school day in order to help with ment...
College tuition needs to be lowered.
Basic human rights have been denied to too many people for too long.
Food coloring and it's negative effects on the human body.
Minorities are a huge aspect to our economy and culture and thy way we have been treating them is not only disrespectful,but it is a crime to our n...
The countries health has slowly been decreasing for years, now it's finally the time to lead the world instead of falling behind.
How music education has improved the lives of all.
Letter to the next President regarding GMOs.
Education is one of the most important parts of just about every American child's life. Unfortunately, the students of today are involved in a brok...
What it's like to live in society today, trying to keep up with all of the standards we're forced to fit to.
Firearms are one of the leading issues in our country and I believe that being educated on Firearms can prevent tragedies.
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
A letter asking the president to take action in regards to the acts of racial (and ethical) discrimination, ranging from violence to verbal abuse.
An urgent letter examining the many cracks in the once rigid structure of the criminal justice system.
A brief overview of why we must regulate gun ownership, and how we may do this
We should have more major political parties
The United States is a wasteful country, arrogant in its consumption. Americans have too much material wealth, waste vital resources and, in the pr...
Letter concerning pollution in the United States
National debt
Social Inequality: Women and Minorities
Homophobia is affecting many people around the country. Kids feel unsafe at school, equality is still a big issue and no one is really doing anythi...
Immigration reform suggestions.
Gun control will destroy America
Examining the ongoing events and impact of the Flint Water Crisis can help us understand how to better protect American families. Can water bottles...
Police Brutality in America
Students require more sleep.
Is taking our guns away really the answer
In our changing world, it is becoming mandatory to involve the younger generations in politics that were formerly reserved for the well-established.
Why drug abuse amongst teens and young adults is a problem in the U.S.
Later School start times should be enforced.
Police Brutality
Affirmative action gives people a false sense of diversity. In an attempt to achieve equality, universities have only created more unfair circumsta...
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
Why America needs more equality and how to fix it
Education is becoming less of a priority right before this nations eyes.
The wealth gap is widening leaving the poor in worse condition and the wealthy in better condition.
A big issue in our country today is whether or not to ban guns or change gun laws.
Women deserve a choice.
Capital Punishment should be legal in all fifty states for serial killers and crimes without explanation
Argument for why education should receive more attention and funding.
Alternative energy is our first step forward
This letter is a plea to have nation or state wide start times for high schools changed, or made more uniform.
This letter is about our problems with healthcare and how it is affecting everyday people.
The ever growing epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. What are we doing wrong?
Police have been abusing their power, and something needs to be done.
Elimination of gender inequality needs to be pursued because gender often determines and diminishes the right of decisions, the right of happiness,...
Consider the use of GMO's in the US and if they are worth our time and health.
My letter to the next president about the cons of extracurricular activities.
Our future as a nation looks bright, but in other ways, bleak. While we have chosen progressive stances on a number of issues, Islamophobia is incr...
Many bright students are unable to get a good college education due to their families not having enough money. This is a problem.
This letter is about the importance of US infrastructure and why we must find a solution to this problem.
Concussions in sports are a huge issue. In this letter, I want to express the issue with not attending to the problem that concussions play a huge ...
The FDA has been pushing for acts that would help them do what is needed prevent foodborne illness for years, now when they finally have that act t...
This paper outlines the important need for equality. I focus on the LGBT+ community, and what they're fighting for.
Gun control laws should not be enacted because guns help protect us and gun control laws will create illegal activity.
Women face each day with chances of being sexualized, raped, degraded, and treated unequally. The US needs to put an end to the degrading of women ...
Why guns should not be allowed
The Great Lakes is no place for an oil spill to happen.
Letter to the next president about racial Inequality
We desperately need to raise the penalties on drunk driving laws.
Why Cannabis should be legal
We need a new form of energy that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
Many animal species are coming close to extinction, this has mostly been the effect of poaching. Only some parts of these animals are being used fo...
In today's schools, too much homework is being assigned on a daily basis. As a result, students all across America are becoming sleep deprived, str...
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
Young children should have restrictions on phone usage
The problems with a 'free' college tuition
There is not enough time for student athletes to invest into studying for school outside the classroom.
Raise the driving age
A letter to the next President about the issue of gun control.
Kids with disabilities are not getting the education they need and deserve due to the fact that schools don't have the funding to support them.
This letter is about the energy crisis we face today and my plan to solve it
College tuition is on the rise, the more money going out results in higher tuition. Students are continually struggling to keep up with their payme...
Did you know that many people each year die from drunk drivers its a very shocking number. Drunk drivers should have harsh penalties to make them n...
Our Economy is damaged, do you have the power and courage to change it for the better, or are you going to just let it slip?
School Start Time
"How do I get to there from here and how will I steady myself into the workforce after college if I have to pay off debt?" Before we ask ourselves ...
Schools need to start at a later time to benefit schools, students health, and student lives.
There is a growing concern for the route college tuition is heading, so I decided to ask what the future president will do to resolve this issue.
A letter on the support of abortion.
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Later school start times
Abortion should be banned in the US because it is an act of murder, it is harmful to the mother, and it compounds tragedy.
The increase of college cost is causing students to be unmotivated and causing economic problems in the United States.
This is my letter
We, as a country, need to improve and increase our governmental healthcare assistance in order to allow everyone to reach their fullest potential.
Letter to the Future President for Eisele's class. My letter is about school systems having a program to help teens better understand the consequen...
Gun Control leads to higher murder rates
Why do we still discriminate?
injustice of the legal system in the United States
In this short letter, I talk about the nuances of hacking in our society, and what could come about in the future. In addition, I call the new pres...
Argument on global warming and if it is real or not.
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
Why abortion is anti-American
An oil pipeline that sits at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac by the name of "line 5" threatens all we have come to know and love about the Gr...
Describes why the current state of division in America is a huge problem that needs to be solved
I want stronger gun restrictions and laws than the ones we have now.
We Shouldn't raise the minimum wage.
When the land of the free is being called out internationally for the wobbly ground upon which free speech is finding itself, than we know we have ...
Gun control in America will never help the whole country.
Letter discussing the issues in regard to the payment of military members in the United States.
The Flint water crisis has been occurring for nearly two years now and it must come to an end. We can no longer have a third world crisis in the Un...
Why I think schools should have later start times
Death Penalty
Letter to the president
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
College tuition is rising.
My thoughts about how the president should take charge on abortion laws.
Addressing the honesty and transparency of our country's leaders with the American public
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
This is a letter to the president about our school's grading systems worldwide.
Women in need of abortion are struggling with being provided a safe, healthy procedure.
The need to reform the United State's Education System.
Written by: Jacob Brueck
This letter is about why the United States is no longer a “melting pot” of ethnicities but a “salad bowl” of cultures
People around the world everyday experience human trafficking, but how much do people really know about it? We ourselves call America the land of t...
Gun control is fine where it's at now.
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
Climate Change
My letter explains sleep deprivation and the effects it has on teens all around the world.
Obesity rates have tripled and children obesity rates, more than doubling in the past few years. Something has got to be done to help save our youth.
Immigration is one of the key causes to American suffering in economy and loss of jobs. I propose one way to fix it is border security and monitori...
Why Black Lives Matter
It is time that we start thinking of Education as knowledge and understanding.
my letter to the president
Women should have the right to decide if they have a child, not the government.