Azu Washington

Health Care Issue

President, I believe that, if we focus on the health benefit more, we could be much more happier, understanding, and healthier to who we as individuals are as.

November 4, 2016

Dear Future President,

Hello! Also congratulations on becoming our leader of this country and how you are going to make the best growth of overall in the country! There are so many things people wanted to do as a joy and passion that we love to do on a daily basis. Future President, I am for sure every citizen have the passion to do activities they enjoy that is a priviledge to this country, however, how can we, the people be able to enjoy freely but would worry of the accidents that may occur? People with low income has been having trouble paying finances as the prices go higher to the point where they are independent for themselves. If they get injured or very ill from their passion of activity overall, than they would think twice about doing the activity and stress about it more. I believe that people with low income pay more than they receive offers of the health care, according to “Health Pac Online”. I think we, the people, should have more equal basis of health care to keep everyone safe and healthy. Equal basis as of our ethnicity, our income payment, and much more to the equal services in the health care. President, I believe that, if we focus on the health benefit more, we could be much more happier, understanding, and healthier to who we as individuals are as.

I personally see others with low income from some of my family members and friends to enjoy their personal activities and they have to be extra safe on not getting sick or injured in any way to increase their chances to go to the hospital to pay for extra expenses if they do get sick or injured. Some of these people I have known are constantly worrying about their income to health care payment plan. I am very upset to how some insurance company keeps increasing the prices to people with low income to have such little assistance but have to pay a lot amount to be covered. I am furiated to how health care, or even health in general is not taking to consideration at most to have everyone be well mentally and physically. It is crucial to every individual to be in great health to be able to do things in the country and be able to enjoy their own freedom when they are constantly worrying about their health and well being.

I believe you will help the people of the United States of America to be able to enjoy their freedom if they have the best insurance to health care and more services and coverage than to pay more and receive less.. I believe you will help those in need and are sick. I believe that you will make the right decision to be able to have all the people in your hands to be a happier and healthier individual. I believe you will make America an improved way of life, an improved way to be great and worry-free to their health if anything bad would happen. I believe that you will be taking this issue to a higher consideration, thank you for your time reading this letter.



Foster High School

Tukwila, WA

Foster High School

Gamboa 4th Period Civics

4th period Civics and Current Events taught by Ms. Gamboa.

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