Kamal B. Washington

Climate Change: Global Warming

Climate change has been one of the biggest issues that was caused primarily by the humans. Temperature is rising, sea level is rising, lots of animals are losing their habitats. One of the main cause of the global warming is carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere.

November 7, 2016

Dear Future President,

This is one of the most talked about issue during the election. Climate change has been one of the biggest issues that was caused primarily by the humans. Temperature is rising, sea level is rising, lots of animals are losing their habitats. One of the main cause of the global warming is carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere. This is produced by the burning of the fossil fuels by humans since the industrialism era.

According to the NOAA reports, “as of October 29 [2016] this year has already seen more than 53,000 daily temperature records broken nationwide--21,160 warm maximum (daytime) records and 32,220 warm minimum (nighttime) records” (Wonkette). This evidence shows that it’s happening right now and we’ve seen and felt just the glimpse of its effect already. This is already affecting our ecosystem and the mother nature. If this keeps happening, organisms who live in the cold weather will suffer, especially, polar bear who live in the very cold weather. Furthermore, NY Times states, “This year is on track to become the hottest ever recorded.” This clearly proves what’s going on in this world in terms of climate. It’s going to be the hottest year ever on record. It’s unbelievable. We’ve already seen the effect of global warming. Because of the high temperature, the ices and the glaciers are melting which result in the rise of the sea level. Finally, NASA states, “Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect” --warming that results when atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space” (climate.nasa.gov). This is one of the main cause of global warming. Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases has been primary cause of global warming. Therefore, global warming is affecting and keep continuing to have an effect on the living organisms if we don’t do anything about it.

If we care about our children or grandchildren, if we care about our future generation, if we care about the humanity, then we need to do something about this issue. Some of the things we, as a people, could do are; install solar panels in our house, use train/light rail more often, speak about the issue, inform people about the issue, especially those who denies climate change, etc. However, this is not enough on combating this issue. We need our leader which means you, need to take this issue seriously and do something about it. You should work collaboratively with the people and big companies to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by reducing the greenhouses. I believe, you, as a president have a lot of responsibility that you need to take care of. However, I want you to make this one of the important priorities because if we take care of this issue and handle it well, then we gonna have a better future for our future generations and America.


Kamal B.

Foster High School

Tukwila, WA

Foster High School

Gamboa 6th period Civics

6th period Civics and Current Events taught by Ms. Gamboa.

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