Child abuse is a continuous problem in our country and must be prioritized. As the next leader of our country, I ask that you take this into consi...
Teen drug use is a very serious issue that I think needs to be addressed quickly.
Why you should legalize Marijuana
My letter is about how illegal immigrants are a drain on our society, also how it will benefit our country by deporting all of the illegal immigran...
Sexual Harassment is a big deal and it needs to stop!
As it stands now, the NSA has too much power over the people. This needs to stop.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Abortion needs to become illegal because human life begins from the moment of fertilization.
How we can cut welfare spending and put it towards growing our military.
Income Inequality is a big issue that many people face, especially the poor.
Clean energy or renewable energy is a big problem and people should know about it because if we don't start doing some things it will get worse and...
Police Brutality is destroying the lives of people in the world who didn't do anything.
There is a lot of homeless people in the world. Can the next president help the homeless?
Dear Next President, Please raise awareness of the human impact on the environment.
Climate change has an immense effect of the planet.
Space exploration can play a big part in the U.S.
Dear the next president of the United States,
Cost of College
Abortions shouldn't be legal
An essay about the effects of animal agriculture, and how it contributes to global warming, deforestation, etc.
The amount of money that is required to run for office is too much
Students are receiving too much homework from teachers.
People, like seniors and others are getting stressed because they can't go to their dream school because they didn't meet the standards academicall...
This article talks about how animals testing is wrong and how it hurts animals. I believe animal testing is very wrong and should be stopped.
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
A child's life in your hands
I believe that the standardized testing should be eliminated because it does not prove a child's mentality and IQ.
Obesity is taking over America at an unhealthy rate. Lets use our resources to overcome, fix, this problem.
Although there are many reasons school starting times are incredibly early, it is not improving education. Instead, it is worsening it.
Plastic is one of the leading causes of pollution in America. Most of the plastic that is being produced ends up in the ocean and killing many diff...
Dear Next President: Is this really justice? Discrimination by race is unjust. How will you work during your presidency to change these injustices?
Students of color are unevenly distributed throughout education
How the president's voice towards women can affect the overall viewpoint of women in the United States of America and how it affects the overall we...
We need to have stronger security regarding the laws of legal and illegal immigration, not anything concerning an immigrant's life.
People need bankruptcy and refinancing options on student loans.
How pollution is destroying our Marine life.
Animal abuse is a very mean thing and we need to end it now.
I wrote to our next president regarding about the lack of regulation for private-party gun sales.
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
Argument on global warming and if it is real or not.
A plea to help motivate this generation of learners.
The cost of college tuition is increasing dramatically and students are having to find different ways for education.
Mental health and addiction are two major concerns for John Diveris, who feels treatment options and over-prescription are doing nothing to help th...
The American people are having their voice undermined by “special-interest groups;” and new laws need to be passed, corrupted politicians need to b...
Dear Future President,
College is overpriced and something needs to be done about it
Oil Fracking
Dear Future President, although the United States is thought to be a great nation for women, gender inequality still remains here in the U.S. Star...
We need to finally put an end to animal abuse.
In this essay you will read about why abortion should be illegal, and some facts that I'm sure will interest you, and make you think differently on...
This letter talks about pollution and how it is slowly killing our Earth through multiple forms. If action stays stagnant about this situation then...
This is a letter to the president concerning the topic of GMOs.
Using race in college admissions should be stopped.
This is a letter about bringing the Black community and Cops together, instead of tearing them apart with violence and tear gas.
Dear Future President, I am well aware, that the topic of climate change has not been honored as an important issue concerning the American peo...
We lack government funded trade schools.
This is common sense.
Oakland Tech student Benjamin Robbins gives his take on why transportation is a huge issue that affects youth around the country.
Puppy mills should be illegal and shut down.
Students are often stressed about where their college funds will come from, so finding a way to lower these prices would come as a huge relief for ...
How would it feel to see one whole country die off because we wouldn't help them. You might not know that there are many Syrian Refugees struggling...
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
10/20/2016 Dear Future President, Abortion is a major problem that is happening. Yes, it is the woman's right to have an abortion. But it is al...
Gun control should be banned in America
In the U.S thre is a growing epidemic with teens and young adults taking a drug called heroin and we need to start preventing the use of this dang...
Please help us reform our current immigration crisis in this country today.
Education is extremely important for the world and the United States, so spending more on education would lead to a better world and country.
This is about how police brutality has gone overboard killing innocent people of color in the U.S and death
Phones are very distracting to kids and you, the next future president, needs to stop this.
Here is a argument of why minimum wage should not be raised, and ways to fix our poverty level
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to fund for technology in schools
We should stop deporting innocent people especially those who have families.
I wrote to the next president regarding whether or not the confederate flag should be flown
Letters to Future President
Why we should be excepting more Syrian refugees
College is too Expensive
For many years, our economy has been digging itself deeper and deeper into a mountain of debt. With our lives submerged far under this mountain, it...
Cyberbullying is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Police brutality is not being taken serious, it is just used as a game that the future President is playing in and is allowing.
You need to take care of who you sell guns too.
Dear Mr/Mrs. President College is a great thing and it can hel...
It's been almost 150 years since the 15th Amendment was passed. Why are we still fighting disenfranchisement in 14 states?
College prices go out of reach for many young adults. People can't go to college because they can't afford it. College is something everyone should...
I'm afraid to be who I really am
This letter is about how immigrants struggle and how the presidents should help the immigrants.
Abortion is an argument that is debated frequently. I believe that abortion should be legal, but only under certain circumstances.
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
An act in Louisiana that allows creationism to be taught in the classroom instead of evolution
The effects of global warming have impacted the Earth and has changed the way we live for years. It is time to take action!
We need to keep guns out of the hands of people with criminal records.
Dear Future President, we live in the (not very united) United States of America.
I believe Obama Care is a great healthcare plan that keeps Americans safe.
College tuition is causing students not to further their education and drowning families in loads of debt.
I think this is so wrong and dumb.
My views on immigration.
Is any type of immigration really a problem in the United States of America?
My letter is about police brutality.
Homelessness and poverty are some of the biggest problems in America right now. 564,708 people are homeless today in America which is an insane amo...