This letter is about whether or not the FBI should be able to access the terrorist iPhone. For this to happen Apple has to break down a way into th...
Guns do more harm that good
As the population increases, it also decreases due to gun violence!
Merely, I will explain the concerns I have from my perspective.
How taking military grade weapons off the market could reduce some crime and terrorist threats.
Why we don't need to have more gun control
We need to put our heads together on how to handle guns.
Problems in the United States
My opinion on gun rights in the USA and how they could be changed or made better.
The CIA started interrogating people as to gain information that could save lives. They should be allowed to interrogate terrorists so we can be on...
we don't need gun control
An influx of Syrian refugees could be a danger to our society. We have granted over 110,000 refugees asylum in our country. When are we going to re...
How Gun Control is Detrimental to Our Country