Police body cameras should be worn so that the officer and civilian act better.
Abortion is one of the worlds most difficult subjects. The world needs to start being educated on the facts about abortion.
All of the states in the U.S., expect for 12, make illegal immigrants pay out-of-state tuition in their own resented state. Illegal or not, they sh...
I am writing a letter to the next president about police being required to wear a body camera.
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
Gender identity is making its way through many people's conversations throughout America and across the country. In order to help this crisis cool ...
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
Abortion should be illegal in all 50 states unless it is rape, incest, or danger to the mother.
Universal background checks for gun purchases need to be a priority when purchasing a firearm. Having this would make our country safe.
I am the face of Black America!
Student Debts is a big issue in the world and needs to have a resolution.
The Functionally Deaf in the US have hard lives since many citizens don't know American Sign Language.
How Gun Control is Detrimental to Our Country
Banning abortion will help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Unless, the woman was raped and became pregnant. It will help woman learn how to be respon...
Merely, I will explain the concerns I have from my perspective.
The pay gap between men and women had gotten worse throughout the years. Studies have shown that, on average, women receive 78 cents less than men ...
This is a hypothetical letter to Trump if he is elected.
The drug policy and drug war are overly strict and do not solve any of America's drug problems.
Problems in the United States
Abortion is wrong and should not be taken lightly.
I thought the United States of America was for "liberty and justice for all"?
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
Addressing the lack of diversity in the teaching methods in America.
Things that you should avoid as president.
School funding needs your attention.
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
The next president, whoever it is, should just chillax and do the job.
Every American has the right to live, and people who violate that right are arrested, but what about animals? They are also living creatures who sh...
Equal Rights for LBGTQ
As the population increases, it also decreases due to gun violence!
Gender Wage Gap is a concern to many to this day. Women, of all race, are still paid less due to their gender. Women could work the same job a man ...
Everyone has the right to love and be who they are. We should be equal. We shouldn't be fighting.
There are many issues of "Gender Identity" and if it should be on anti- discrimination laws. How come if one person conceders themselves something ...
A request and a question to the president about reform.
Death penalties are an issue in the US. Everyone should be able to live no matter the circumstances. The government should be against it because of...
Carbon dioxide is affecting the planet.
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
In many states it is illegal for LGBT couples to adopt. Many people (including myself) think that this needs to change. Let's take this to congress...
An influx of Syrian refugees could be a danger to our society. We have granted over 110,000 refugees asylum in our country. When are we going to re...
Many states have banned the Death Penalty, which takes away from the justice system. Why? read on...
Trying to Help countries get more support and more financial help. Trying to prove the fact that all countries need Foreign Aid
Gay marriage is not a right
Gun violence has become an epidemic that has swept this country. Research is needed to try to reduce these mass shootings and gun homicides in gene...
This letter is for the president about raising minimum wage. It is important for us to raise it.
Abortion is getting out of hand and must be stopped. The president needs to make abortion illegal in all 50 states.
Children are the greatest aspects of the future, present, and past and I’m sure you’d agree with me.
This country needs a leader who will keep it afloat not start conflict with other countries. No matter the cost keep us at peace. War should only b...
Public schools need alternatives for students with specialized diets.
Many people argue that marital rape is not real or it is simply an excuse for some things.
Abortion should be made illegal in the United States.
Children should not be treated differently, no matter the sex of their parent.
Do you think that affirmative action is right?
Why do women not have the right to get an abortion?
There is no justification for abortion. No matter what, a mother should protect her child; born or unborn.
This purpose of this letter is to persuade the next President of the United States to forgive at least 30% of student loan debt.
The US has been fighting ISIS for over 3 years now with hardly any progress. If we are to keep fighting ISIS, we need to pick up the pace or stop w...
Free college would give opportunity to more people
My opinion on gun rights in the USA and how they could be changed or made better.
We need to put our heads together on how to handle guns.
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
How taking military grade weapons off the market could reduce some crime and terrorist threats.
Traditional energy such as fossil fuels will eventually ruin the world. Taking this into consideration, people need to dramatically increase the us...
My name is Emily Jemison, and the issue that I have today is concerning police brutality. A police officer has a responsibility to uphold the law a...
Why Marijuana should be legalized
They say there is equality here but there is actually not that much of it
Illegal Immigration causes many problems.
The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased, but not ...
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
This letter is about whether or not the FBI should be able to access the terrorist iPhone. For this to happen Apple has to break down a way into th...
Every voice matters; every vote counts.
If America is the 'home of the brave', why are so many of the brave homeless?
Equality Matters
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
Our government has more import things to worry about
The terminal ill should have the right to have the choice to end their suffering.
Killing an innocent human being that can not defend itself is not only cruel, unjust, and unfair but it is depriving the unborn of living a life th...
My letter is on the issue of Abortion it will go in depth of how people views are different and how I believe it this issue needs to be address whe...
Abortion should be illegal.
The amount of money it takes to pay all your college expenses are unbelievable high. Those with low wages also deserve a college education but the ...
Marijuana should not be legalized in any state.
This essay gives reasons why marijuana is bad for America's present and future.
Steps to slow down and the effects of climate change should be taken to decrease how much ice is melting every year due to carbon dioxide levels.
Minimum wage should be raised in the United States
Obama care is changing today's society. It is causing people to complain, and it's separating our country.
Dear Future President, Children are our future teachers, inventors, business leaders, and parents of our country, whether we realize it or not. T...
I think that gay marriage should continue to be legal.
The American youth will be affected the most by your presidency.
we don't need gun control
Abortion is an issue that has been overlooked in the United States because it is a crime that has been allowed for too long. It is immoral because ...
Abortion is killing a baby that isn't born yet or killing a baby that is being born and it should be illegal in all states.
Teachers are heroes too, and they should be treated as such.
Possible solution to poverty...
Schools need a change, students need a push.
Why we don't need to have more gun control
The country today is overlooking the abortions situations in our society today. Many lives are being taken and we are acting like it is ok to take ...
I believe paid leave should be required for child birth and serious illnesses of a family member or close friend.
This letter explains the flaws in our criminal justice system and how they can be the start of more racism and a divided country
I think we should be more lax and open in our immigration policies.
Discrimination Calls for Equality!
Many people are doing drugs or having problems with drugs. I'm asking if we can make a difference about drug abuse and drug addiction.