Censorship in our country is over done, and overlooks the rights that every American is given.
Future President, please don't forget about me.
This is an address to the importance in keeping and following the First Amendment. Recent actions against Christians and churches around the countr...
The global economy is making national borders irrelevant. America will soon be at the mercy of foreign powers.
Women have the right to choose.
Innocent children and people die because of some crazy person that gets ahold of a gun. Restrictions need to be put on who can own a gun and bigger...
To stop the spread of ISIS cannot be done with brute force alone.
Plans to reduce the amount of incorrect and biased information which is broadcast on major news stations
it's a good letter.
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
One of the most important topics discussed today in America is the concern with illegal immigration and how beneficial/negative it is to society.
I believe we need some change in the criminal justice system for a better society.
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
This letter explains my concerns for political correctness in this country
DACA and immigration reform.
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
Wanting to live the American dream.
The media influences the way we view things and forces us into a mold that many can't conform with.
Venezuela is in a catastrophe right now with the highest inflation rates, excessively limited goods, and high crime rates. By using our media outle...
Letters to Future President