Gun violence should be stopped before many more innocent lives are lost.
Racism is a huge problem in the United States this days and it needs to stop as soon as possible.
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
These are my concerns about gun control. A little kid could get a small gun and hurt someone. Guns should always be put up in a gun safe or somewhe...
Child abuse is a very common thing in America today. Every year 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies.
The Second Amendment states that we have the right to "keep and bare arm."
People buy animals and put them in kennels all day and don't feed them or take care of them, but just forget about them.
medical marijuana is a safe drug for anybody to take to cure seizures and some cancer cells.
This letter is about black people.
LGBT don't deserve to be treated the way they are.
do something about the clowns roaming the woods at night chasing people
LGBTQ kids and adults should not be judged by their sexuality. 30% LGBTQ teens attempt suicide each year and most are age 15, suicide is a big issu...
El racismo es la discriminacion que existe entre las diferentes etnias del mundo.
Dear President, The police have thought that they can do whatever they want. The police think they can speed. They think that they can turn in fa...
I think that if you like the food you eat it, so if you eat you make good grades. I think we should be able to make our own menus.
The cost for out of state college tuition and in state college tuition is to expensive.
Gun Control laws should be more strict.
No gun control!! we need are gun because what if someone has a gun and try to shot me and we do not have a gun.
I vote Trump. That doesn't mean that I totally agree with him though..
We should be able to protect ourselves with guns, if we are cautious with them. Some people just don't need them.
group homes should have pets, because it calms the kids down that live there. the teens and kids need a pet friend.
Guns aren’t the issue, it’s the people who are operating the gun. More and more people are hurt everyday, most of this could come to an end.
All lives matter all diferent kinds of people ALL LIVE MATTER.
The dog pounds so wrong things with dogs!
Terrorism is a big problem and should be stopped.
We can't loose our guns.
The LGBT community should be able to adopt in any state. Second parent or joint adoption are not allowed to the LGBT community This is not right an...
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I want some better food at school. We have soy burgers on wheat bread,and it is disgusting. Mrs Obama wanted schools to serve healthier food in sch...
This article expains on how many students need to have a better education and today how focusing is difficult.
These are my concerns about Assault weapons. If a little kid or someone under the age can get a hold of it could shoot theme self or shoot someone....
The Right to Bear Arms is what makes us feel safe.