Elizabeth Carles Arkansas

Help Create An End To Child Abuse

Child abuse is a very common thing in America today. Every year 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies.

Dear Next President,

I have a very important topic I want to talk to you about, Child Abuse. The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations. Losing on average between four and seven children every day. A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds. In 2014, state agencies found an estimated 702,000 victims of child maltreatment. This would pack 10 modern football stadiums. Child abuse does not only affect a child physically but it could also affect them mentally. More than 70% of the children who died as a result of child abuse or neglect were two years of age or younger. More than 80% percent were not even old enough for kindergarten.  

Dewitt Middle School

ICT 8th grade

8th grade ICT class at Dewitt Middle School

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