New York
Look what is happening; black people are just getting shot because no one cares about black lives. American police already have killed twenty-fiv...
My claim is for legal drugs all around the country's to be illegal. I don't see how drugs are good in the world unless they are used for treatments...
Ocean pollution is a very large problem that is growing rapidly in the United states. We as people need to work together in order to end it. Animal...
I am an eighth grader and I think immigration should be allowed. Immigration brings our nation to a whole other level when people from other countr...
Imagine being homeless, sleeping on the cold, hard ground with nothing. No clean clothes, no money for food, nothing to drink, not even a family to...
College tuition is big thing in the United States and colleges in the United States are outrageous and should be fixed.
Its not about race.
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
"Millions of people, mainly women, don’t get equal pay as their male counterparts. According to The National Committee on Pay Equity in 2015 women ...
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
This letter is about bullying and how it affects kids in the U.S
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
For decades, abortion has been an issue that has divided our country. As time has progressed, the issue hasn’t gotten any better. Even after the S...
There are over 500 thousand people homeless. There are almost 50 thousand homeless veterans that are homeless. They risked their lives for this c...
We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, one that focuses solely on giving each individual equal rights and necessary protection; eac...
Animal rights matter
This letter explains some current problems and Dangers to the ocean.