11th and 12th grade students. Dramatic Literature.
With the amount of student debt and the high chance of failure of seeking a career nowadays, workforce training in public high schools can potentia...
College tuition and stressed cauesed by tuition on students and parents due to state funding
A letter explaining to our future president the cost of college for America and how it affects young adults.
The times are changing so should are school system. I will be showing you the different sides to the argument and what plan to follow.
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
A letter to our future president explaining how the average american citizen feels towards the insane cost of colllege.
Bathroom Bill. Transgender have a lot of issues living their everyday lives. They have so many problems that they just don't need.
Others opinion and myself on N.C. bathroom bill.
Should we provide two free years of community college for those who need the support to further their education?
We need to stop blaming the guns for mass shootings, and start putting our focus on the maniacs that are doing these hostile crimes.
This text is about gun violence in America and the laws that intertwine with it.
With Cost of College Increasing, it is almost impossible for families to pay for tuition. Everyday thousands of Students are forced to turn to loans.
transgender bathroom are the big topic around america if it should be legal or nah these are my reason and opinion on what we should do to fix it.
Drug use is bad in general regardless of age.
this is about drug abuse in Staten island and why more people are abusing drugs there than in other states.
Many students are...
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
Individual rights are being infringed upon due to individuality, but supposedly we're united?
People say transgenders shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom matching the gender they identify with, which isn't fair. You should be free to use th...
It has become a social norm for all high school graduates to go to college, but that's not what some kids really want to do. Instead they'd rather ...
Workforce training in High School may be the next solution with high school education problems and college.
The cost for tuition has gone up for a real reason.
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
This may seem like a joke, but it is not. Prescription drugs and mainly Heroin have become a major factor. Heroin is the hardest drug, but it is th...
Help us to address and further solve the issue of gun violence in our country.
America's lack of gun control and the hazards it has created... The irony of "self-defense" and "thorough" background checks.
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
Many students from low-income families cannot afford a college education.