Andrew S. Kentucky

Stop Gun Control

Not enough people know true facts

Dear, Mr. President

Gun control seems to be a hot topic lately, with lots of misinformation and differing opinions floating about. It seems that you’re either for, or against our beautiful second amendment. This amendment grants citizens the right to bear arms, and gives them the power to protect themselves. This right was created by our government that is for the people, by the people.

Over a third of the population–270 to 310 million Americans–owns a gun. If owning a gun was the problem, there would definitely be a lot more problems. Of the mass shootings that have happened since 2009, 73% were done in gun free zones. Also note only 11% of these mass shootings were done with an “assault” rifle. You’re more likely to die from heart disease than a firearm. Your odds of dying from heart disease are 467/1, while your odds are 25,000/1 for a firearm.

For example, in South Carolina, a man who had a valid concealed carry permit stopped a man who was opening fire on the night club. After having an altercation, the man started firing on the soon-to-be victims of this man, when the other man pulled his gun out and shot him the leg. Gun laws wouldn’t have stopped the man from opening fire on the club, because he was already breaking the law. Instead, the gun laws would have hurt the legal carrier who stopped the man.

These are the reasons we can’t have gun control. We should have the right to protect ourselves and our families, not have our rights threatened as punishment for the actions of lawbreakers.