Allan C. Kentucky

Careless Abortion Should Be Stopped

Abortion is a touchy subject nowadays. This could change your mind.

Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,

I have recently seen several letters just like this one, that talk about subjects that are normally hard to talk about. My subject is abortion.

As a Christian, I care about any and all human life. In my eyes, an abortion is simply killing a baby, born or unborn. I personally have a special connection with this due to my mother's job. This connection gives me an insider's view on the subject. My mom is a "grosser" for a clinical laboratory. This allows her to handle aborted fetuses at every stage of development. These can range from mere weeks to months.

I personally always thought it was a cool topic, so I was interested in seeing the specimens. To my surprise, by the time a baby reaches the size of a dime within the womb, you can see every little detail down to it's fingernails. There are fetuses out there that are aborted around 22 weeks old or 5 months. By this time the baby is the size of a hand.

Now imagine killing a puny little human. It's honestly horrific to think about. Now I know there are certain cases such as rape, or danger to the mother, that should put abortion to question. But other than that, I believe it is wrong. Something needs to be done about it.