Protect America's Right to Bear Arms
Crime rates in America are way too high. Something needs to be doneāits not going be easy though.
Black Lives Matter
The cost of higher education is preventing many from participating
Keep families together with more flexible policies
The National Debt is $19,516,852,220,281.41
Lowering College tuition
Let's erase stereotypes to allow equality for all
College education VS. Student loans.
Using a needle exchange program to fix a problem. This is just my opinion on a subject I feel strongly about.
Letter to President discussing the lack of tolerance and the increase of offended people.
The cost of a college education are way too high.
Abortion and why it is wrong
Dear Future President, Women in the U.S have an option of having a child or having an abortion. All in all, women should have that option, because ...
Affordable Education.
Transgendered men and women being able to use the restroom that they identify as in schools.
Police brutality has been a problem for a while now- which is the problem.
Bullying is bigger than what people think.
Too many people are getting harmed by drug and alcohol abuse.
Many people are still experiencing discrimination.
Not enough people know true facts
Racism in America
To fix the system
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
I suggest that we not make mistakes like Britain. They left the EU because of a mistake. Don't let Texas do the same. #NoTexit
Can we fix our domestic policies?
We, the people of this country need to stop and become more aware of animal cruelty.
Voting for our next President is very important and the people that are voting have a huge impact on that. So us younger, fresh minded people want ...
How do you feel to work hard everyday, and not get any help? When people who don't work get all the help.
The media often only shows one side of the story
The rising reports of police brutality towards minorities (especially African-Americans) has reached critical condition. I speak on the matter of d...
Racial Discrimination in America
Our justice system is fixable.
Stop the gun violence!
Police Protection
A letter to our future president
Instead of euthanizing; why not rehabilitate?
Issue to be addressed: Cyberbulling and the misuse of social media in the adolescent community.
Marijuana can be medically beneficial to help people with many diseases
School cafeteria food is not adding up to the nutrition we need.
Stop Cruelty to Animals
Things need to change in the schools
Protecting the second amendment
Can Trump make America have equality again.
Fairness should be available for all
School Systems
Women should have the right to choose what they do with their body.
In this generation sex ed classes are needed, but aren't available in many school systems.
Violence In America
Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion
Rising tuition costs threaten the American Dream
Can the next president make everything good again?
2nd Amendment Rights
Help students get into college
Kids in today's generation need to be taught sex education in school.
College expenses are difficult for students to pay for and create a large amount of debt.
Abortion is a touchy subject nowadays. This could change your mind.