Kyle P.2 Arizona

Student Loans and Debt

This addressees the issue of student loans and how it puts students in debt.

Kyle Rush


P. 2

Dear The Next President,

First of all, I would just like to congratulate you on becoming the next president of The United States of America, but If you do not mind I would like to bring up some issues that this country is currently facing. In our current economy system, you gain wealth from person interest. However, most of the careers out in today’s world revolves around a form of higher education. Now this is where the problem exists, nearly 70% of the bachelor degree graduates leave school with a student loan debt. Now this is a problem because, the individual has probably spent tons of money to even enroll in the class. If the individual spends his years out of college trying to pay of whatever student loan he or she has amounted, personal profit is limited. I think that we need to eliminate or at least decrease the need for student loans. I want the U.S to have an education system that doesn’t have the need of student loans. As it currently stands, tuition fees are double than the cost of health and four times as more expensive as housing costs. I think the way we should address this is over all decrease the tuition cost. If the tuition cost is lower than students won’t have to draw student loans to help pay for the tuition. Another thing I think we should do is provide more things for our students, for this starts to pile on costs and fees. I have a personal connection with this topic because my sister just recently went to college and I’ve heard many times from my parents a good portion of both of their income is going directly to my sister’s tuition fees. I just want to make the whole college system put less financial stress on the individual and the families.

Sincerely, Kyle Rush

Horizon High School


Dual Enrollment American History

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