A short video about racism.
In this group we will draft and publish our video letters.
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
A letter about saving the environment.
A short letter about immigration.
A short interview about black Lives Matter.
a short video about how violence does not solve problems
a short letter about racism.
a short video about racism
I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is black lives ...
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How will we pay for college?
A woman's right to choose.
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from CA. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is...
Dear Next President,
Dear next president, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issue in the next president elect...
A short video letter about homelessness.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential ele...
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Women's Equal Rights
Many people who discriminate others for being themselves don't know how much it really affects someone.
I think illegal immigration is not a good thing in the U.S right now. I will be telling yo statistics and on why it helpful and why it's not a god...
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
I believe that if we, The United States, legalize marijuana, and find a stable way to control it, the effects can be phenomenal.
Dear future president, Please close Sea World. SeaWorld is very guilty about animal abuse and mistreatment, such as: breeding, capturing marine li...
I strongly believe that the future of this country will be significantly impacted by the way our government handles this national crisis and I tru...
1.6 million children will experience homelessness this year, making up one-third of the homeless population.
When will the injustice end?
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Racism is a problem that needs to be stopped.
I basically wrote a letter on my thoughts on these two serious issues Racism and Sexism and I put in what I think the President should do about it
You need to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline!
Racism is something that is tearing apart our world and something that needs to stop. There are many things that the future president can do to red...
Police are abusing unarmed civilians, especially those of color, and it needs to end. Now.
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating African American discrimination and racism fueled violence.
Many innocent people die every year because of falsely accusing people in criminal situations. Many African American people die because of racism, ...
Persuasive letter to the next President to acknowledge minority religious rights
People shouldn't be prejudice about skin color because we're all the same inside and we all came from the same place, even if we don't know where t...
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