a short letter about racism.
In this group we will draft and publish our video letters.
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
A short video about racism.
A short video letter about immigration.
A short interview about black Lives Matter.
a short video about racism
I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is black lives ...
A short letter about immigration.
A letter about saving the environment.
All letters from this group →
How will we pay for college?
A woman's right to choose.
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from CA. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is...
Dear Next President,
Dear next president, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issue in the next president elect...
A short video letter about homelessness.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential ele...
All letters from this site →
I'm writing about bullying and its devastating effects.
As you may know, the US economy is slowly declining. This letter explains some ways that this economy can be improved, such as an increase in minim...
We must stop gun violence, because many people get killed from guns.
We need to support immigrants
A letter to that talks about racial discrimination and my opinion about it.
Animal experimentation is cruel and unreliable. Millions of animals are used in experimenting, and are in agony because of it. In this letter, I di...
College tuition just keeps increasing, while the motivation for youth to pursue top tier education continues to decrease.
Muslim immigrants are not treated equally and are targeted for there race. For Example in Northern Afghanistan Muslims were killed in a mosque by ...
A change in medical schools' curriculum can be really helpful
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Letter to the next president.
For my L2P I chose to write about racial profiling. Racial Profiling is a big problem in our nation right now that America's new president needs to...
People have been rioting in the streets. People these days are discriminating others all over the world and some even though they can't help how th...
I feel that the issue of racial profiling in America is a topic that needs to be discussed. I feel that discriminating against people because of th...
In the world we live in today the color of someone's skin changes the way that they are treated and the opportunities they can acquire. This needs ...
Addressing the issues of racism, jobs, and taxes.
Inequality and racism throughout the nation
Discrimination Calls for Equality!
There are thoughts to pass and enforce new immigration laws that may trigger a similar reaction to the Arizona Immigration laws passed in 2010.
All letters about these issues →