A short video about racism.
In this group we will draft and publish our video letters.
A short interview about black Lives Matter.
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential ele...
A letter about saving the environment.
a short video about how violence does not solve problems
A short video letter about immigration.
A short letter about immigration.
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
a short letter about racism.
All letters from this group →
How will we pay for college?
A woman's right to choose.
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from CA. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is...
Dear Next President,
Dear next president, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issue in the next president elect...
A short video letter about homelessness.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
All letters from this site →
My letter is about ending animal cruelty, it must be stopped. You think it's sad seeing animals locked up in cages.. Imagine how they feel looking ...
The next president must address the cost of higher education because millions of students all over the U.S. are struggling with student debt during...
Decrease in immigration to make America more accessible for U.S. Citizens.
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
My summary is about Pokemon go and how there is not enough Poke stops.
My letter is about opening borders to more people.
The next president needs to improve the medical care system within jobs, families, and for kids.
I think the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S.
'Help me please before it is too late':the ocean said.
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Have you ever learned about an officer of the law shooting citizens, or people walking around wearing or holding up a sign that reads ¨ Black Lives...
Although many believed it was over, racism might have gotten its voice back.
The police are good people. It doesn’t make sense that a person would die for someone they hate. They give their life for us, for our freedom. They...
I believe the next president should work Equality for all, because too many people discriminate against the people who are not like them.
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
Regarding race, there are two sides to the story.
This letter is about the police officers abuse against Latinos and African Americans.
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Racism is all around us and it affects everybody in the world. People are causing violence just because of racism and one race says that they are b...
All letters about these issues →