Tyler Pennsylvania

Technology in school

I think kids need more iPads and Laptops in school.

                                                                                                                                  October 14, 2016

Dear Future President,

I am 6th grade student and I feel there is not enough new technology available to kids in schools. I like to use laptops and iPads. I think it makes things easier to understand and I can find a lot more information about a lot of things. I can also find things faster. Having technology in schools means "the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improved performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technology processes and resources."

Technology, like iPads and laptops, helps the teachers prepare students for the real world because the world is becoming more technology-dependent. Students can and should learn to be more tech-savvy as the technology improves. Also, using technology in education everyday will help kids stay focused and interested in their work and classes. Today’s students love technology and are excited to use technology so they are more interested in learning if they can use the tools they love and know. When technology is available in the classroom, students are able to get the most up-to-date information quicker and easier.. Technology helps students take some control over how they learn and what resources they use and how quickly they work. It also makes them turn things in on time. They also learn how to make their own decisions and actually think for themselves, like which browser works better for them, etc.

As the Future President, I want you to think about giving more money to schools for technology, meaning more iPads, and laptops for all kids.

